list of available 3rd party applications..?

Jan 7, 2008
Can we start a list of available 3rd party applications and make it a sticky?

I suggest the following info per listing:

Name of application, Company made by, URL link, brief description of what it does (game, utility, etc)

Thoughts anyone?
I second that motion!
I've been trying to collect my own list of links, but having one common location to go to and find (or find again) those 3rd party apps would be great!
I 3rd the motion, or whatever coems after seconding...

I love tweaking the TomTom, and have some great little applications added, like Tyre, Route Converter, Suntime, Skip Waypoint, TTMenu, Tripmaster, Offroad.

A complete list would be great.
I have a Go 910 and I would like to install tripmaster or something like it. I am new to this kind of thing so I don't know how to find the right program or how to install it. Any help?
Go to the 3rd party Forum on this site and look for the thread about Tripmaster 2.5. Information there should help you.

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