How to list the folders and files on your TomTom or PC and post them here

Feb 10, 2011
London, UK.
TomTom Model(s)
Go520,720,XL Live, Start60,Go940,950,1000,1005,New500,New5000
In order to work out where problems lie, it often helps if you can show us a list of all the files and folders you have on your TomTom, or in a particular place on your PC (such as a Backup folder).

Here is one of the many ways to do that....

First it's useful to set Windows to show you the three letter extensions to the file names, otherwise it's difficult to tell two files with the same basic name apart.
So do this:
Start either 'My Computer' or 'Windows Explorer' and:
Go to the 'Tools' Menu,
Select 'Folder Options'
Select the 'View' tab
Scroll down the list of entries and UN-tick "Hide extensions for known file types"
(This is right for Windows XP, Vista and Win7 will have something very similar)

When you now look at the list of folders and files you should see the files are called things like data.chk and settings.dat. You may need to resize the window and drag the column headings about so you can see the whole of the names.


Now we've got that sorted, there's a simple way to list all the folders and files on the TomTom or in a particular folder on your PC.

Now you need to download and install a tiny program called "Drive Z" (you can get it FREE from here:

When you run it you should see a small window like this:


Set the tick boxes as shown by my red highlighting in steps 1 and 2, and then select whatever letter Windows has assigned to your TomTom storage in step 3 (or alternatively select the folder you are interested in on your PC).

When you click on the "Make list" button in step 4, it will copy the whole list of folders and files to the PC clipboard, so while you are typing a reply in the forum, you can just use the EDIT / PASTE menu at the top of the screen, or use Ctrl and V on the keyboard to paste the whole list into your post.


There are actually lots of alternative programs which will do the same thing. One that I now use is Karen's Directory Printer. With this you can just right click on a folder to get to the directory listing utility and the list gets saved as a text file rather then being copied to the Windows clipboard..

Use whichever program you prefer to get that list of files and folders into the forum for us to have a look at...
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