how do I calculate a route to include a tollway?

Oct 5, 2010
I'm a new member so please forgive me if this is a redundant question.
while programming my destination I know there is an easier option via the tollway but my TT 720 go is not giving me this direction but rather the freeways through Houston that I would rather not navigate. How do I tell Tom Tom that I want to travel the Beltway and the Hardy Tollroad if it's not giving me this route? I have tried the travel via option and the recalculate alternative button but to no avail.
I'm positive I'm making this harder than it needs to be.
Welcome to TTF.

In planning preferences, what option have yo selected when the 'how to handle toll roads' appears? Perhaps, you should make sure that 'always take toll roads' is selected.
That's a good idea and I did try it.

while calculating the route i changed the pref to always take toll roads and it still did not calculate the toll. The problem is I'm not sure how to get on the tollway from my house. I guess I'll google earth my destination. Frustrating.
while calculating the route i changed the pref to always take toll roads and it still did not calculate the toll. The problem is I'm not sure how to get on the tollway from my house. I guess I'll google earth my destination. Frustrating.
I'm guessing that at some point, you've updated your 720 firmware from the original 7.221 to something recent (could be 8.351), in which case it's taking the IQRoutes data into account. As long as you have specifically told your TomTom that toll roads are OK, the avoidance of those roads would indicate that your 720 believes the toll road is still going to be slower than the alternative it is presenting given the day of week and time of day when you hit that "Navigate to" button.

Understand that when you set up the trip on your 720 makes a difference -- your unit assumes you mean NOW when it plans, and if you're are setting up the trip for travel at a different time of day than your real departure, it's always possible that your results aren't going to be the same. IQRoutes knows that the traffic varies on roads at different times. So if by any chance you're checking a trip in advance, you aren't necessarily getting the best choices for your actual departure time.
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One additional item -- if it turns out that you're right and the TomTom is wrong, and once you've figured out how you do get to that tollway from your house, you can always plan a trip that forces a route "via" that tollway.

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