Hi Guys, I'm a TomTom Noob...

Oct 4, 2009
What's up guys, I'm glad I found this forum and am hoping to learn a lot. The thing that got me searching for a TomTom forum is because with my old Garmin I could just touch Go and type the name of a store and it would list all the stores in the area.

It doesn't seem I can do this with the TomTom 140S. It looks like all it does is search Points of Interest. Please tell me I'm wrong because I'd hate to not be able to do this. I like being able to type something like "hobbyshop" and search for local places when I'm away from home.

when you are searching for a specific poi within a category, if you tap 'find' and type in part of a word, all those with the letter combinations you typed will appear in order of distance (as the crow flies) from your choice of 'near you', on route' or .near destination'.

For example, under shopping, if you type 'depot', all the Home depots will get listed (as well as any other item with 'depot' as part of the name.

But, if you want a sub category to appear, TomTom doesn't have that.

If you are in the food category, type 'chinese' and ONLY those stores with 'chinese' as part of the name will appear, not all Chinese restaurants.
when you are searching for a specific poi within a category, if you tap 'find' and type in part of a word, all those with the letter combinations you typed will appear in order of distance (as the crow flies) from your choice of 'near you', on route' or .near destination'.

For example, under shopping, if you type 'depot', all the Home depots will get listed (as well as any other item with 'depot' as part of the name.

But, if you want a sub category to appear, TomTom doesn't have that.

If you are in the food category, type 'chinese' and ONLY those stores with 'chinese' as part of the name will appear, not all Chinese restaurants.

Thanks dhn, however I don't see where I can touch "find" or where "shopping" is listed. I touch "Navigate To" and from there can select home, fav, address, recent dest and poi. If I select poi I can then select poi near you, poi in city and poi near home. If I select "poi near you" I then get search poi, hotel/motel, restaurant, amusement park and gas station.

I apologize if I'm missing something that's right in front of my face but I don't see find or shopping anywhere...

Select search poi, select a category and you should see a 'find' button at the bottom of the screen.
Select search poi, select a category and you should see a 'find' button at the bottom of the screen.

I selected Navigate To, then POI, then Search POI and I don't have a category to find something like a Home Depot.

Is it possible that the One 140S has a different menu system than the one you are using?

Do I need to go in and add these stores as POI's first maybe? If so that would seem kind of dumb because finding a store while on vacation or something could be spur of the moment.

Thanks for your help (and patience!)


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