Help! TT Home & iMac

Mar 6, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
I am a brand new TT one owner and getting pretty frustrated. Picked up my one today and life was good. Used it on the way home and the TT1 was exactly what I wanted. Got home, downloaded TT Home for iMac (latest build) from TT website and installed. I'm running a new iMac Intel dual core. Connected my TT1 and TT home recognized and open. It downloaded updates and suggested I backup first. I said yes and *there's the problem* It starts the backup, see it backing up files and then it hangs at 2% at TT disk/USA_Canada/Clin.dat. I 've left it for a hour and no go. Had to "force quit' to exit the program. Now the TT1 and/or SD Card are slow to read in the TT1 and when it does eventually read goes to the license agreement each time but eventually goes to the navigation screen.

Should I not use my iMac? I have a Window's laptop from XP? Is it defective? What should I try? Thanks for the help!
Welcome to the site! Congrats on the ONE purchase, you'll love it.

fanchee seems to be the resident MAC pro here... but has experienced similar issues. TomTom isn't very MAC friendly. If you have a Windows machine I would recommend using that. You can always wait to see if fanchee replies, and I'm certain that will happen.

For now, try taking the SD card out, booting the ONE and then putting it back in. Also hit the reset on the bottom of the Unit.

DEFINITELY get a full backup done as soon as you can. Also, are you aware of the free maps upgrade you can get for just the $6 s/h? See the link in my signature. Well worth the $6!
Thanks for the quick response. Do I need the free maps since my TT website when I enter in my TT1 product code says it has the latest?
verify you have v665 maps. you'd be the very first to get a ONE with the new maps pre-installed! Even still. it's well worth the $6 as you will have a hard copy of all the US/NA Maps in-case you ever have a problem or accidental delete them.
Thanks for the quick response. Do I need the free maps since my TT website when I enter in my TT1 product code says it has the latest?

For some reason the TT website tells you have the lastest but I would bet that you don't.

The latest version for maps is 665, I'm guessing you have 660. Check your version.

I bought my TT1 about a month ago and I got the same message about having the latest but of course it wasn't.
battom, again thanks!

Followup: Tried again with the iMac and it took 1hr and 10min to backup, but it appears I got a backup using my iMac. Now I may try with the Window's machine.
Safe to do so....
Do you know how to check your maps version? Seriously, I'd check ASAP and make the order for the cheap money...ask any user here!
battom et all,

Checked the map and it's v660.1215. THANKS all for the warning. I just ordered my update.
woohoo! saved another one :D

Well again, welcome to the site! I see fanchee has signed off for now, but not to worry. you have MAC questions for HOME, fanchee will take care of you. (not that others won't, I just know fanchee is a MACer big time)
Yep, TT HOME is just not what it should be, on any platform, but especially the Mac. If you continue to have problems, trash the prefs file and trash the program, and re-install. The time you gave sounds about right, it takes quite awhile to finish a backup.

For what it's worth, HOME crashes on me all the time, I just reopen until it behaves... which eventually happens. The newest version of HOME seems to be universal to run on Intel macs, but it's still not a great piece of software.

And I agree with the above poster, when you go to and put in your ONE's serial number, it'll tell you that you have the latest maps. You don't. Place your order for $6. You can verify by seeing your ONE came with 660.1215 (most likely) and the new version is 665.1293.

Enjoy your ONE and your iMac! :)

thanks (and to battom and everyone) for very quick responses. BTW, 3-4 weeks for the maps DVD? Geez!!!
3-4 weeks for the maps DVD? Geez!!!
that's the standard reply to the order. You should get it quicker now-a-days! Ask Nextourer how long he had to wait for his DVD... I ended up Host my entire DVD for people to download while they waited for their orders to be filled.
Yeah, sorry for the late response, I did just get home today from NY and had some errands to run. :)

It shouldn't take that long to get your DVD. Although don't ask Nextourer how long it took to get his..... :) I've heard others get their DVD in 2-3 days.
Quick operational question...

Is there a way to cancel a planned route and just have it track as you drive?

I'm going to check that out thanks! But what I meant was that my old Garmin iQue had a button to cancel navigation and just track you on the map w/o directing you. It was sometimes nice just to see waht was around you as you drove w/o being directed somewhere.
Yes, there's a "clear route" button on page 3 of the menu (unless you have a custom menu and have placed it somewhere else. If for some reason you DON'T see this, go into your prefs menu on page one, and click through until you see "enable more menu options" and click that. Once your route is cancelled, it just shows you what road you're traveling on, which I believe is what you're asking for. Hope this helps.

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