HELP - Can't install 120 MB Australia map on TomTom One with 500 MB free space

Oct 20, 2009

I'm new to the TomTom world so I don't have much of an idea.

I bought a TomTom One in Germany two days ago. Central Europe was pre-installed. About 500 MB of free memory on the TomTom remained. Now HOME suggested I should buy the Australia map, which I did. It was 117 MB when I downloaded it. I then tried to install it, but HOME said that the TomTom was too small for the map. Including Meta data it required 4.1 GB (I think the One only has 2 GB anyway). So I deinstalled the Central Europe map and tried again, but there still wasn't enough space.
Do you know where the difference between the 117 MB and the 4.1 GB come from? Is there maybe something like a 'country lock' that makes it impossible to install Australia maps on a Central Europe device?

Is there a workaround for this? Normally, the Australia map should comfortable fit in the device in addition to the Central Europe map.


Another mysterious (and incorrect) message from Home.

Check out this link regarding the installation of a map without using Home.
Ok thanks. I did all that. But it looks like the file is damaged. I can't extract the zip file, Windows says it's damaged. So I extracted the content individually. I could get all files out apart from Australia-70.meta
That file seemed to have a problem. The meta file was also the reason HOME gave for the crash. So if I can only get on my hands on that file I could try again.

Delete the map folder under \mydocuments\tomtom\home\download\maps. Then go to redownload it via HOME. You can redownload it for free within 1 year of purchase, and hopefully the redownload won't be corrupt.

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