Go 720 MP3? Organizing folders

Jul 9, 2009
Hi, until I get a new SD card I want to put some music in the internal memory. Do I keep the music orgainzed in folders and sub folders, or just dump the individual files in.

If I leave them like mp3\artist\album\song, the 720 can see them but doesn't shuffle play.

Thanks for any input.

If I leave them like mp3\artist\album\song, the 720 can see them but doesn't shuffle play.
So are you saying that it will play all the songs in a folder or subfolder and stop once it has played all songs in that folder?

In other words it won't play songs from one folder than switch to another.

Here is my suggestion then
Put all of the songs in just the MP3 folder
You could create some playlists to separate the songs like the subfolders were doing

Here is how I would create the playlist on Windows
1. Start
2. Run
3. Type in CMD and press enter
4. Type in the Drive of your TomTom such as T: and press enter
5. Type in cd mp3
6a. Type in dir /b > Playlist.pla (If the songs are all random)
Now edit the playlist for each group of songs you want to create
6b. That if your songs have a similar name you can also do something like
dir /b Creed* > Creed.pla (This would create a playlist of all Creed songs)

That or you could leave your music in folders but create a playlist that has all the music in it

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