
Jul 13, 2009
I just bought the GO 720.

I have 4 problems with it , thinking of returning to the store and here's why.

# 1 : my bluetooth phone is well connected, then I download my contact list and it tells me after a few minutes that my connect list is downloaded, when I go to make a call, I can't highlight my contact list. but my recent and dialed numbers can be highlighten.

#2 the salesman told me that when I make a call using the device I could hear the person's voice through my car speakers, through a FM station. I cannot get it to work, and frankly I don't see how it could work and No my radio doesn't have a line in to connect it to the 720.

# 3 My street is not there. The street is 10 years old. I went to the updates and it tells me I'm updated. frankly if a street that is 10 years old is not in the system I can only imagine how many streets are not there.

#4 The voice command option is just not showing when I click "navigate to" then "address" ...

like I said I'm disappointed.

Can anybody help?:(
You do have map 830 and application 8.351, correct?

For the voice commands, use Explorer to see if you have a bunch of cspeechxx.dat files in your North American map. If so, do you have a text file called support_asr.dat with nothing but a 1 in it in the asr folder? If not, make such a file using Notepad. And have you a computer voice selected?

If you don't have any cssppech files in your NA folder then go to the location on your computer where the compressed map cab file will be found (Documents & Settings\yourname\documents\tomtom\home\downloads\backup\complete\map -- or something close to that)

Look in the compressed NA cab file with winrar or equivalent and extract the cspeech files from there and put them in the NA map folder on your unit).
I noticed for the first time today(after having the 730 for almost a year) that one street that I was looking for could not be found anywhere. However the road clearly exists if you look it up on a site like mapquest or superpages.com. I went to Best Buy today as I was thinking of upgrading to one of their Garmin units, either the in-dash Kenwood dnx5140 (loaded with features and contains the Garmin gps) or the new Garmin nuvi 1490T with a 5 inch screen.

Bottom line, all the Garmin units and even the other name brands listed the street, yet no such street was ever listed on the TomToms. :confused:
#2 the salesman told me that when I make a call using the device I could hear the person's voice through my car speakers, through a FM station. I cannot get it to work, and frankly I don't see how it could work and No my radio doesn't have a line in to connect it to the 720.

The 720 has an FM transmitter so you can listen to MP3s and directions on the car speakers.

But the salesperson was incorrect, no Tomtom (except maybe the RIDER, not sure) relays the handsfree phone call to one of the Tomtom outputs (bluetooth, fm transmitter, or line out). Bluetooth handsfree calls can only be heard on the Tomtom internal speakers. It is a frequently requested feature on these forums. Call Tomtom and log a request with product management, with enough request they might add the feature.
I noticed for the first time today(after having the 730 for almost a year) that one street that I was looking for could not be found anywhere. However the road clearly exists if you look it up on a site like mapquest or superpages.com. I went to Best Buy today as I was thinking of upgrading to one of their Garmin units, either the in-dash Kenwood dnx5140 (loaded with features and contains the Garmin gps) or the new Garmin nuvi 1490T with a 5 inch screen.

Bottom line, all the Garmin units and even the other name brands listed the street, yet no such street was ever listed on the TomToms. :confused:

Tomtom uses Teleatlas as its map vendor. That is the same vendor that supplies Google maps.

Garmin and Kenwood both use Navteq. That is the same vendor that supplies Mapquest.

In my experience in Boston, Navteq maps have more accurate roads and points of interest, but Teleatlas maps have better road speeds (IQroutes). It's a tradeoff, but for me the IQroutes is more important than the road accuracy, because there is so much congestion in Boston. Garmin (with its bad road speeds) doesn't avoid the congestion and gives inferior directions.

Also you can edit/remove roads in Tomtom, and you can add/move/remove POIs. Unfortunately, Tomtom doesn't let you add a road.
Tomtom uses Teleatlas as its map vendor. That is the same vendor that supplies Google maps.

Garmin and Kenwood both use Navteq. That is the same vendor that supplies Mapquest.

In my experience in Boston, Navteq maps have more accurate roads and points of interest, but Teleatlas maps have better road speeds (IQroutes). It's a tradeoff, but for me the IQroutes is more important than the road accuracy, because there is so much congestion in Boston. Garmin (with its bad road speeds) doesn't avoid the congestion and gives inferior directions.

Also you can edit/remove roads in Tomtom, and you can add/move/remove POIs. Unfortunately, Tomtom doesn't let you add a road.

Yep I know about the Boston area and how bad the roads can be. Just 72 miles south of downtown Boston. I take the T as much as possible while in the city. :cool:

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