Computer doesn't recognise device once SD card is inserted

Jan 12, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
One 4N00.005
I have a Tom Tom One 4N00.005 which I have not installed any new maps on since I bought it.

I was wanting to download a Europe map and rather than have it in different sections in Home i wanted to use a memory card.

I bought a 4GB SD card but when it is inserted and then I connect to the computer and turn on the device, Home no longer registers as having a device connected. have no card reader for my computer and don't want to pay out for one.

Please advise.
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If I am not mistaken, any ONE model is capable only of using SD (not SDHC) cards. Is your card SD or SDHC? Since we don't have the magic decoder ring for all of TomTom's part numbers, the 4N... doesn't help most of us. Can you identify the first two digits of the serial number so we can be 100% sure of your model?
Needs a sight test

Ok, apologies. I took the card to a shop today where they said it was HC or HD or whatever but darned if I can see the sign for that on the card. Annoying cos I took the TomTom to the shop where I bought the card and checked with everyone a million times that it was the right card and they all said yes. Er, no, then.

So what GB normal SD card do I need to get my Europe map then? And does anyone want to buy an unused 4GB SD HC card!? ;)

Looked at a 2GB one today but it was €7. I'd buy on ebay if i thought I'd actually receive post here.
If you want the full Europe map without spitting it into sections, then you'll need 4GB.

But How often do you really think you'll need to move from e.g. Western Europe Zone countries to Central Europe Zone countries?

Here are some recent (2013) links to a couple of ordinary-SD cards in a post on the PGPSW forum:

Non-SDHC TomToms and 4GB SD cards
Ok, apologies. I took the card to a shop today where they said it was HC or HD or whatever but darned if I can see the sign for that on the card. Annoying cos I took the TomTom to the shop where I bought the card and checked with everyone a million times that it was the right card and they all said yes. Er, no, then.
It would be unusual that anyone would be capable of understanding which specific TomTom units and at what firmware level the SDHC cards were supported. No surprise that they aren't expert in all the SD-capable devices out there. You should see "HC" somewhere on the card if it's the 'wrong' type.[/QUOTE]
Right card in. Now have no maps

I put the right card in. I had problems having the device recognised. Then it froze. I reinitialised it.I

I tried what was suggested about renaming the folder on the computer as TomTom detailed ion the error rectification links on TomTom

Updated the device and also tried a restore but it said my device was not set up for that now. Now I have no option to purchase any maps either.and see no maps on my device.
Getting there

Ok, i reversed some steps and for now things are cooperating. The card is in and I have restored to it. I have ordered the map and all being well it will be on the card soon. Phew.

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