Can't find downloaded map

Aug 21, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Hi All,

New to forum and using my TomTom beyond getting around England. Off to Mallorca next week. Downloaded TomTom home for finally since having device for many years. On TT Home it says the map is successfully downloaded to my navigation device but i can't find it?

My TT is a ONE.

Most likely a very daft question but hey - if ya don't know how then ya just don't know how : )

Any help appreciated

Also (incase this is relevant) when i enter an activation code (printed on box) the next botton remains ghost? As i said earlier, TT is old probably 8 yrs and never been updated?
Last edited:
Do you see an icon on your unit that says Manage Maps-->Switch maps??

Look for that and see if the new map is listed.
Lost map

Thanks dhn, i have checked but do not have either of those on my unit. Perhaps it is because my TT in old. On the box it is described as
'TomTom ONE. United Kingdom . Republic of Ireland'
Perhaps it is not geared towards receiving International maps? But then why would TT Home let me download it and say it is installed on my device?

I have 2 pages to my main menu
page 1
Navigate to
Find alternative
Help me
Add favorite
Change prefs

Page 2:
Prepare route
Browse map
Map corrections
TT services
Clear route

Any further ideas? Appreciated.
If you connect to Home and go to Manage my Device (2nd page), items on device-->maps, what does it say?

I have 2 pages to my main menu
page 1
Navigate to
Find alternative
Help me
Add favorite
Change prefs ==>> Switch maps should be in a submenu under this one

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