Installed latest TomTom software, now can't find accurate lock

Jun 30, 2012
United Kingdom
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TomTom Model(s)
TomTom GO Mobile for Android
Bought this TomTom ONE v2 unit 4-5 years ago.

The device was updated via. TomTom HOME 1-2 years ago.

I installed the latest TomTom ONE software yesterday and plugged the device in.

The software said there was a new update, so I installed it.

Now the device can't seem to find a lock. It keeps dotting around within 1000 meters or so of the correct location.

Since the warranty and TomTom support has ended, what can we do?
Take a paperclip or similar and use it (gently) to press the reset button in the hole in the bottom of your unit to reset it. Then give it as much as 15 minutes to sort itself again. Let us know if this helps.
Take a paperclip or similar and use it (gently) to press the reset button in the hole in the bottom of your unit to reset it. Then give it as much as 15 minutes to sort itself again. Let us know if this helps.
I did - still nothing :/

Should I still go ahead and contact TomTom NV?
Beginning to think there may be a pattern here.....

Mods may remember I had a similar experience with my son's Go520 which hadn't been updated for a very long time. I put the new Navcore onto it and it immediately started showing his location as several streets away. After a day or two, it slowly found it's feet again.

And I think I've seen at least one other report on the forums where a similar set of circumstances was causing lock accuracy issues.
Tomtom's Forum is full of people complaining that after the last qgpsf update they cannot get an accurate fix it seems to be about 250m off. My 530 is the same. Seems to be devices with sirfstar3 chipset that are affected. Tomtom will hear about this rather loudly I think.
I just checked. Current software on the device is v7.903.

Not sure if this is of any help.
Yes, that's the latest, and has been for a very, very long time. You won't have received any new firmware for your device, so if your problem took place during a unit update, it will some of the ancillary stuff.

When you said "I installed the latest TomTom ONE software yesterday and plugged the device in.", I assume this actually means that you updated the TomTom HOME application for your PC?

Plug your unit in again and turn it on, and for the moment, just ignore Home when it fires up.

Using your PC, delete the content of the "ephem" folder, but not the folder itself, on your unit.

Next, go to the folder "\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\ephemeris" on your PC and delete all of the folders INSIDE of that folder. They'll be named "QuickGPSfix-nn", and if you update your unit regularly, there will be a ton of them.

Now, using Home, perform the usual proper USB diconnect of your ONE.

Disconnect your ONE from your PC, perform the reset we discussed earlier, and then get it out in open sky and turned on for at least 12-1/2 minutes. See how it does then.

Now, use Home to dis
I have the same issue, suddenly my TOMTOM GO630 started showing about 200m error - constantly. This did not happen right after a software update, it worked fine for a while, but then went bananas. Reset does not help.
I just checked. Current software on the device is v7.903.

Not sure if this is of any help.
Yes, that's the latest, and has been for a very, very long time. You won't have received any new firmware for your device, so if your problem took place during a unit update, it will some of the ancillary stuff.

When you said "I installed the latest TomTom ONE software yesterday and plugged the device in.", I assume this actually means that you updated the TomTom HOME application for your PC?

Plug your unit in again and turn it on, and for the moment, just ignore Home when it fires up.

Using your PC, delete the content of the "ephem" folder, but not the folder itself, on your unit.

Next, go to the folder "\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\ephemeris" on your PC and delete all of the folders INSIDE of that folder. They'll be named "QuickGPSfix-nn", and if you update your unit regularly, there will be a ton of them.

Now, using Home, perform the usual proper USB diconnect of your ONE.

Disconnect your ONE from your PC, perform the reset we discussed earlier, and then get it out in open sky and turned on for at least 12-1/2 minutes. See how it does then.

Now, use Home to dis
I deleted the content of the "ephem" (device) and "ephemeris" (PC) folders and then, whilst the device was still plugged into the PC, pushed the reset button. This turned off the device.

I then unplugged it from the PC, walked outside and turned the device on.

It took around 1.5 minutes to get any GPS signal (which is quite a while!).

I won't know if it's has worked until tomorrow, when I will next be driving.
Keep us posted. And yes, it can take quite a while.

I'd like to know how your device behaves without any of these ephemeris files (DON'T accept any new GPSQuickFix update files from TomTom just yet), and after that, have you go ahead and connect and pick up the GPSQuickFix files and see what happens after that.
Keep us posted. And yes, it can take quite a while.

I'd like to know how your device behaves without any of these ephemeris files (DON'T accept any new GPSQuickFix update files from TomTom just yet), and after that, have you go ahead and connect and pick up the GPSQuickFix files and see what happens after that.
My dad went out for a 4-5 minute drive to test it and it still does not work.

Argh, bloody TomTom. It offered an update, we updated, and now it's knackered :/

Any ideas?
I removed the files as mentioned and went for a short test drive. Everything seemed to working fine then, but i am far from confident that the unite is fixed. I will try a longer drive later today.
Advice on another thread was: "having deleted all of the ephemeris data, try using the unit WITHOUT any of these GPSQuickFix files for a while to see how things go, and only then, try allowing HOME to supply those files again and see if there is a difference"
With my Carminat in a Renault Scenic III it did not help. True, it is a built is system, and the delitions can only be done on the SD card. But when the card is inserted in the car the position was on the same wrong place, even after a reset. So it needs another method.
Any guesses?
I've got a 520 GO and I've been having the same problem for the last couple of days - possibly since I updated the GPSQuickFix.
I've just downloaded a new GSPQuickfix, but no luck.

It's consistently showing my position a few hundred metres west of where I am (sound familiar)?

I've reset it a few times and it's made no difference.

One thought sticks in my mind. We've just had a leap second added to our clocks. How far (West->East) do we all move in that 1 second?
I updated last night and I'm also getting seemingly random locks too. I had to turn the thing off today and use google map on my phone. I'm sat athome now with 10 satellites locked, and it thinks I'm about 200m west, not moving mind you, so it's not totally random.
Just connected my 530 to Home, there was a new QgpsF that had not been there 5 hours ago. Downloaded it and nothing else. My 530 is back to normal.

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