arrival voice

If it a non-commercial (non paid) voice, you should be able to copy the files into the voices folder and select the voice from within the unit.
Was it a whole navigation voice, or JUST the "you have reached your destination" line?

A whole nav voice set (three files: .chk .vif and .bmp) goes where dhn said. But I think I remember reading about being able to change just the arrival sound.
I'll see if I can find it...
It is a single arrival voic. I downloaded it off TomTom home. How would I go about selecting the voice from within the unit. My computer has windows 7.
Look in the .vif file with Notepad. Should say a voice's name, I believe. Copy all associated files you got from TT (.chk, .vif, .bmp) into voices folder on unit. On unit, voice preference, select ............. you should see same name listed as you saw in .vif file.
Yeah... I'm sure I remember seeing a way to have a custom arrival sound SEPARATE from the normal navigation voice (and that would be a .wav or .ogg audio file.

Unfortunately, I haven't managed to find any notes or bookmarks about how to install it so far.
All I can find so far is how to add your own SHUTDOWN sound/voice.

I'll keep looking......
Found it!


Creating an arrival sound

1. Record your sound in 22050 Hz Mono, with a sample size of 16-bit, using your preferred sound recording or editing software.
2. Save your sound as arrive.wav.
3. Copy the file to the "customvoice" folder on your device.
4. Make sure that the recorded voice is enabled in the Voice preferences menu on your device.

But now the (possible) bad news....

If you go to the page I linked to and follow that to "Arrival sounds" it says
"Note: Check the table to see if your device supports this type of content.".
Unfortunately the link to the "table" doesn't work, it just takes you back to the front page.

Now I just tried using Home to add an arrival voice to my Go950 and Home said "You cannot use this feature because it is not supported by your device"

So I've no idea if it is compatible with your ONE...
What does Home say if you have ONE attached to Home and switched on, then click on Add Traffic, voices, safety cameras etc. / Sounds / Arrival sounds ?
That's when I get that error message.

The "table of compatible models DOES show up if you use Internet Explorer (I was using Firefox)...
It's out of date, so my Go950 isn't even mentioned, but the good news is that the ONE first edition, new edition, third edition and the ONE XL are all compatible.

So try adding the file you downloaded to the folder in those instructions. (EDIT: See my post below, you may need to create the folder yourself (or just use Home to install the file))

Meanwhile I'm going to try it on my Go940 which is also supposed to be compatible..:)
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If you click the link once more, I think the table gets generated.

You did a quick edit there! :cool:
Even with a second click it's still not working for me on my old Firefox... It looks like it's a JavaScript problem
But I've got the "IE Tab" extension for FF and if I switch engine with that the table loads fine.
OK... I just tried it on my Go940.

There was NO folder called "customvoice" on the device before I started.

I then connected it to Home BEFORE I downloaded one of the sounds/voices available on Home.
Home downloaded it directly to the TomTom, NOT to my PC, and as it did so, the "customvoice" folder got created and the .wav audio file was put in it.

I didn't have to change any of the settings I had in voice preferences, and when I tried a demo route, the file (Bugs Bunny!) was played correctly when I arrived :)
Ok here is my dilema I got the "custom voice" folder but no option on y Tomtom for chnge voice preferences, just change voice and volume preferences. The arrival voice is in the voices folder,but I have no way to set it as far as I can see. What am I missing here.

It also plays when I run the demo but not when I am using the Tomtom out in the real world.
Voice preference should lead you to 'Select voice' and you should be able to scroll down the list. You need to tap on the down arrow of the vrertical bar to see all choices that your unit 'sees'.
Ok here is my dilema I got the "custom voice" folder but no option on y Tomtom for chnge voice preferences, just change voice and volume preferences.

I don't have the same model as you in front of me. On my GOs "voice preferences" is a sub-menu in Preferences/ Voices.
But I think you may only get "Voice Preferences" on models with Text to speech voices.

But as I said above, I didn't need to change ANYTHING in voice preferences to get the arrival voice to work.

The arrival voice is in the voices folder,but I have no way to set it as far as I can see. What am I missing here.

Do you mean the "customvoice" folder? You don't put it in the "voices" folder.
I don't think you ARE missing anything, I think the way it works is that if the system sees a replacement file in the customvoice folder for a particular instruction, it uses that file instead of its normal voice at that point.

It also plays when I run the demo but not when I am using the Tomtom out in the real world.
So you're saying you get to hear exactly what you want when you run a route demo? (normal voice for navigation, then different voice for "you've arrived"?)

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