What's the trick to get saved Routes from the website into the GPS?

Apr 25, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ca.png" alt="Canada" /> Canada
TomTom Model(s)
VIA 1625TM
I use the TomTom MyDrive website on my computer to create and save a Route with "Sync this route..." on. I connect my VIA 1625TM GPS to the computer with TomTom Drive Connect. But the Route does not show up in My Routes on the GPS. The GPS does show the routes I created a year ago with much difficulty through a random sequence of logging in and out, rebooting etc. But not this time. Could someone please tell me the trick to get the Sync to sync?
The TomTom is connected to the Computer.

Click on Route Planner to open website.

But it does not show up in the TomTom

How to force a sync??
Are you logged into MyDrive on the device with the same user name/password as on the computer?
Yes. To verify, I logged in typing in the same user and pwd on both systems.
I have space on the TomTom's internal memory and the SD drive is empty.
Last time I was successful it had to do with the order that I logged in and out and disconnected reconnected and stood on my left foot and then the right etc.
Log.txt file is too big to be attached.
Got it now! The Route is now in the GPS. I had logged in to MyDrive Connect on the computer, and MyDrive Route Planner on the website, but I had missed the login for the MyDrive through the cloud icon in the upper right corner of the TomTom. Didn't expect to have to because the computer said it was connected to the device.


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