What voice do you like/use? And ***?

Jan 13, 2009
I found this cool article, click here, or here I should say, anyway it got me thinking, what kind of voice do I actually like using?

I have a couple of voices that I will put on, just for a change, and then find myself changing them within one drive. I have to disagree with the article above though. I'm a almost 30 man and I like using a GPS man voice as much as I like a woman's. For example, a couple of months ago I got Kim Cattrall, I love using her voice but I also got a voice called Jill, from a different company, and I can't stand it.

I think I mainly use a mans voice though. I was just looking though my unit and I have more Men than Woman (I'm straight by the way) so does this make me an exception to the rule? I think there are just more funny man voices out there?

What do you recon? What s e x do you prefer using and who? Mine is Gary Busey for a man and Cattrall for a woman, but I probably use Busey more. Oh, and of cause Mr. T.

I love having new voices so I would love to hear all yours. I really want an Indian Man but haven't found one yet.

So, favorite s e x? Who you use most? and who/what you'd you'd like to get? I want to see if the voices we'd want tally up to be more Men or Women! I really don't know if I have a preference, it depends on the voice!

:eek: GO!
Liz Whitaker is my default voice for speed camera warnings and navigation instructions on the non TTS equipped devices, she is a radio presenter for Radio Aire based in Leeds UK - Mike
Liz Whitaker is my default voice for speed camera warnings and navigation instructions on the non TTS equipped devices, she is a radio presenter for Radio Aire based in Leeds UK - Mike

Is it the real her? I live in the US now but am from England. I think I know who you mean!

OK, one up to the ladies!
If you have text to speech in your unit everyone on the internet including myself uses DAVE. A nice mellow voice that says street names and never gets excited. Try it. Its the only one I really like.
If you have text to speech in your unit everyone on the internet including myself uses DAVE. A nice mellow voice that says street names and never gets excited. Try it. Its the only one I really like.

My wife and I prefer a female voice - maybe because that was the default on our first Nav and we're just used to it.

I use Susan. My guess is that most GO/Loquendo TTS users use Susan as well, since the Navcore 8.300 bug was usually called "Stuttering Susan" in this forum.
Not including me thats:

two (2) to the laddies
One (1) to the men

Thanks for sharing.

PS - dhn, I agree! doctormstein1 comment is indeed a silly one!
I do not use Dave and as mvl stated I use Susan. What makes you think everyone used Dave doc? If that was the case TT would only need to provide one voice and all the add ons and special voices would be a lost cause.
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I have the voice disabled because I'm always listening to music. I hate the pause when the navi instructions go on, lol. If I really need to use a voice, I use Dave. Sounds more realistic to me.
If you don't want the music to pause just get a Bluetooth capable deck for the car and run the TomTom audio via the HiFi link, the quality is great and you get an extra option to "Not pause the music while navigation instructions are played" - works a treat for me - Mike
If you don't want the music to pause just get a Bluetooth capable deck for the car and run the TomTom audio via the HiFi link, the quality is great and you get an extra option to "Not pause the music while navigation instructions are played" - works a treat for me - Mike

That's a nice tip. thanks!

Tally so far:
3 for the ladies
2 for the men:cool:
I should have added to the above about the type of car deck needed though, it must support A2DP Bluetooth rather than the often found headset profile.
Its is also a good idea to take the TomTom to the car radio shop BEFORE purchasing any deck to be sure it will connect and work with the deck, some work better than others, although there is also a third party set of files you can add to the TomTom that will make it "see" far more bluetooth devices from Here just unzip and add the folders to the root of the device.

I have the rather ugly LG LAC7700R which works great with the TomTom devices such as x20, x30 and x40 model ranges, you only get to see the screen on the device when setting up the speaker preferences when using bluetooth, see the attached screen grab - Mike


  • BT Speaker Pause.jpg
    BT Speaker Pause.jpg
    15.6 KB · Views: 300
I was thinking of taking my TomTom to the radio store before you stated it. lol. I want to make sure they are compatible.
Thanks for the info on the bluetooth support. Thanks for the screen shot!
I wish they made this option available with line out.
I wish they made this option available with line out.

This is something I would like to be made available as it makes a whole world of difference when using the devices, but it shouldn't just be Bluetooth/ LineOut it needs to be FM Tx as well even though we are still waiting for the full F Tx functionality to be switched back on with a new Navcore - Mike

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