Welcome! Please read, then check and update your Profile

Sorry for not answering, Pierre. You are in much better hands with Andy anyhow.

For at least the next two weeks I am just peeking in here to see if there is anything urgent, affecting previous posts of mine.
Hello, I'm sorry to be a pain, but can you tell me how I might find where I need to go to introduce myself? I'm not used to forums and I'm finding this one quite difficult. Thanks, just in case you are able to reply.
Welcome to TTF!
Hello, I joined yesterday, and am getting a crash course in tomtom mods. I'm a retired Avionics Engineer living in Arlington, Texas. I have an XXL 550, which until just recently, has performed flawlessly (absent the occasional brain fart) I really need info on how to get the "hidden" applications to show. If anyone can help, I would be gratefull.
Hi, newbie to forum and not quite sure how everything works. I have done some reading and gained a lot of knowledge. Great place. I do have some questions and hope I do this right. Thanks for the opportunity of learning.
Hi Everyone: just come onto the forum because I am getting increasilngly frustrated with my Via 135. Or perhaps it is my lap top that's at fault.
Hello to All. I have been a long time owner of another brand of GPS, but recently took a trip with a Tom Tom owner, and enjoyed a fine conversation concerning his unit. Shortly following the trip I had an opportunity to purchase an XL 335 S at a very reasonable price, and, since I was intrigued at some of the capabilities of my friend's unit, I did so. I'm looking forward to reading the forums and learning more about this product. I'm enjoying the experience thus far, but the map update inconsistencies have me somewhat hesitant in that regard. I hope to gain enough knowledge here to overcome said hesitancy.
I'm owning the Carminat Tom on my Renault Car. I connected my PC to the Chip and somehow succeeded in downloading an update of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. I immediately paid via Paypal. When the software requested the activation Code I got lost. Even the expert in the Renault garage heard the first time about a code to activate the downloaded data set. A second try to log in was rejected by responding with the message" Account already exists!". The request for help with forgotten password (more then ten unsuccesful attempts) was literally unhelpful. A money back attempt was declined by tomtom (sheer robbery!). A phone call kept me 20 minutes in the loop just listening to music, but no addressee responded. I'm really frustrated. My lesson learned and result:
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A second try to log in was rejected by responding with the message" Account already exists!". The request for help with forgotten password (more then ten unsuccesful attempts) was literally unhelpfull.
If you get an "account already exists" is it possible that you are selecting 'Register' instead of 'Log in'?

Since you won't be getting any phone help until Monday, ask other Carminat users
bei http://www.meintomtom.de/.
Welcome to TomTom Forums, a peer-to-peer site.

A forum is not much different from eMail in a mailing list except you you will not be getting posts about other threads then the one to which you are subscribed.

If you have a specific question you may find the answer in one of the other threads which you can check by going to the top i]of the page ad click TomTom Forums and have a look around.
Just ask a question or start a new thread and see if anyone has an answer or at least a suggestion.
Hi, thanks for accepting my registration. Hopefully use the forum to solve my problem and maybe help others if I can.


Just trying to figure out how to use this forum. I'm hoping this message will get me on the way, very puzzling.

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