Waiting for signal on Live Via 125

May 11, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Live via 125
Hi Folks,

Despite being fully updated I have recently encountered all sorts of difficulties in picking up a signal when I switch my tom tom on ...simply put it freezes in the search for a signal mode

Each time I have to reset and then wait.

Is there something I am missing or is it a case of taking it back to the shop for an exchange?

Any thoughts much appreciated.


Can you say what application is installed on your unit?

Settings-->Me and my device-->About my device.
Despite being fully updated I have recently encountered all sorts of difficulties in picking up a signal when I switch my tom tom on ...simply put it freezes in the search for a signal mode

Each time I have to reset and then wait.

Is there something I am missing or is it a case of taking it back to the shop for an exchange?
You say that you are fully updated. When was the last time that you downloaded an update to the operating system (not the map) of your GPS?

The reason I am asking is that there was an operating system update recently that created exactly these symptoms on my GO LIVE 1535. TomTom then created another update that fixed this particular issue. I know that you have a different model than I do, but I wonder if you could have the same problem and whether the solution may be downloading and installing the very latest update.

(If I understand it correctly, the problem on my GPs was that France implemented a law that prohibited displaying speed camera positions, and TomTom revised the software so users driving in France would not be in violation. The revision created the problem with signal acquisition on my device, and I wonder if it may have done so on yours also. If that is the case, your solution may be to update the software on the GPS.)

With best wishes,
- Tom -
I'm with -et- here....
What software version are you currently running on the Via?

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