voices go530


Jul 16, 2011
hi everyone ive just been given a tomtom go530, ive been trying to get celeb voices
firstly i cant seem to find any
secondly i found 1 its worked but cant remember where i put it and cant seem to put anymore on. im completely new to these satnavs so could do with some help please:wave:.
where could i get new voices and how to instal
regards nip
Custom voice files go in to the "voices" folder on the device, use Windows Explorer to gain access to the drive letter associated with your device.

Each custom voice should comprise of three files:

dataXYZ.bmp the image displayed on screen when selecting a voice
dataXYZ.vif information file, open with NotePad to view contents.
dataXYZ.chk the compressed voice file

In each case above the XYZ will usually be a number - Mike

Each custom voice should comprise of three files:

dataXYZ.bmp the image displayed on screen when selecting a voice
dataXYZ.vif information file, open with NotePad to view contents.
dataXYZ.chk the compressed voice file

In each case above the XYZ will usually be a number - Mike

Cheers mike, i dont understand what tou man by Custom voice files go in to the "voices" folder on the device, use Windows Explorer to gain access to the drive letter associated with your device. Ive found the voices folder when syncd with computer , the problem is that i put files in containing 3 files but when looking trhrough tomtom itself they are not there btw im really not good at these things
regards nip
If you put the 3 files related to a specific data number in the voices folder using Explorer and then, using the unit, go to Switch voices, are you saying you don't see the new voice listed there for selection?

Have you tried resetting the unit? Don't know whether your model has a dedicated reset hole or you hold the power button for about 10 seconds till you hear the drum roll.
If you put the 3 files related to a specific data number in the voices folder using Explorer and then, using the unit, go to Switch voices, are you saying you don't see the new voice listed there for selection?

Have you tried resetting the unit? Don't know whether your model has a dedicated reset hole or you hold the power button for about 10 seconds till you hear the drum roll.

Yep thats what im saying files are not there, regarding has it been reset yes when i first got it
regards nip
My understanding is that purchased (commercial) voices will work only on the unit first installed upon. Could that be the issue here?
My understanding is that purchased (commercial) voices will work only on the unit first installed upon. Could that be the issue here?

not too sure but will try again today cheers for the help:thumb:

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