TT One takes me on toll roads even when I asked not to

Dec 26, 2009
I travelled from Scotland to South London yesterday and the unit originally routed me through the M6 toll but then asked if I'd like to avoid toll charges. I selected "yes" and it successfully found an alternative. However, when I pulled up at a service station for a break on 2 occasions before the toll I switched it off as I took it inside with me. When I got back to the car I noticed it had rewritten the route to include the toll (i.e. the fastest route). Is this a known bug?
I believe that after a certain amount of time (some hours), the unit replans a route for the (now) fastest route.

If the planning preference was set to ASk about toll roads instead of always AVOID toll roads, it may be a glitch that it didn't 'remember' your previous request to avoid.

Not sure.........just surmising here.
I believe that after a certain amount of time (some hours), the unit replans a route for the (now) fastest route.

If the planning preference was set to ASk about toll roads instead of always AVOID toll roads, it may be a glitch that it didn't 'remember' your previous request to avoid.

Not sure.........just surmising here.

It is set to ask about toll roads and I selected to avoid them. I'm confused.
I have since been reminded by another moderator (thanks, Mike!) that what you are experiencing is indeed a bug where, after doing the steps you did, it 'fogets' you said to avoid toll roads and sends you down them anyway as it recalculates the route.

The bug is known by TomTom and hopefully an updated application will rectify the problem.

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