TripMaster, Height, Event_Logger, TTTrackLog

Aug 6, 2007
All of these can work together and work perfectly fine. I am running TripMaster v2.5, Height_8, Event_Logger 8.2 and TTTrackLog 1.12 with ext 1.13 perfectly fine.

For TripMaster and Height to work together you will have to use TripMaster 2.5 and Height 8. Height 9, 10, 11 uses another method for startup which I am not able to make work with TripMaster yet. But TM2.5 and H8 works fine using the trick of ttn file as state in TripMaster site.

Hope this will help many here.
Where can I get a copy of Height_8?

Answered my own question, thanks to another post by tama:

On a TT One 3rd Ed 8.010, TM2.1 and H8 work together fine using plugins_hook_v1.0 with editing as documented at the TM website. (The edited ttn replaces Height's ttn.)

Thanks to tama, and to mvl for the TM2.1 link from another thread. Hope many others find this info helpful.
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TripMaster 3.0 + Height 8

Hi there, you wrote Tripmaster 2.5 and Height works ... somewhere else I have seen should not work with Height 9 > ...

I installed Tripmaster 3.0 + the plugin hook on my TT920 Navcore 835.1 .. everything ok.
Then I tried the Height 8 plugin ... corrected the ttn as advised (in Unix compatible editor - using 0A hex as CRLF):

#! /bin/sh
rm /mnt/sdcard/plugins_hook/*.hook > /dev/null 2>&1
LD_PRELOAD=/mnt/sdcard/Height/ ttn

Doesn't work .. Height is not there ... Tripmaster is flashing with original TT screens - like the hook-plugin wasn't installed ...

Any idea ??

Does anyone have Tripmaster 3.0 with Height ?? Whcih version ? How you did it?


I'm afraid that, as plugins_hook is now done, it is not compatible with Height hook. We (Amacri, EventLogger author, Joghurt, Height developer and I) are currently discussing to find a common solution. May be, one day, our plugins will be compatible.
I'm afraid that, as plugins_hook is now done, it is not compatible with Height hook. We (Amacri, EventLogger author, Joghurt, Height developer and I) are currently discussing to find a common solution. May be, one day, our plugins will be compatible.

So why do you say on your page at Le Web Bazar !!! Applications Tomtom !! Patch Tomtom v8.350 !!!

Another good news : Height and Tripmaster can live together on the same Tomtom, although they both use a "ttn" file.

You just need to install both plugins and this program and modify the line LD_PRELOAD in the ttn file I'm providing (not Height's ttn) as follows :

LD_PRELOAD=/mnt/sdcard/Height/ ttn

Then, you'll get height display, except when Tripmaster is in foreground.

NB: the ttn file edition must be done with an editor that maintains the Unix format of the file, like UltraEdit or Vi. Notepad or Wordpad can't be used for that.

This is just after you have said:-

On Tomtom running v8.x or v9.x navcore, plugins can not be used, as Tomtom has changed the screen refreshment method, that makes the plugin screen appear and disappear each time Tomtom application refreshes its screen.

I provide you here a program that solves this problem, at least for my plugins (Tripmaster v3.0 only for the moment).
So as the comments on your web page seemed to be current and included mention of Navcore 9 and Tripmaster working with it the impression is created that Tripmaster and Heigh can co-exist on a current Navcore 9 TomTom.

Is that not the case? If so I think your page at Le Web Bazar !!! Applications Tomtom !! Patch Tomtom v8.350 !!! needs to be updated to reflect that fact. Obviously the page doesn't very clearly current state that Height and Tripmaster can be run together on the same TomTom when this appears not to be the case.:(
So why do you say on your page at Le Web Bazar !!! Applications Tomtom !! Patch Tomtom v8.350 !!!
So as the comments on your web page seemed to be current and included mention of Navcore 9 and Tripmaster working with it the impression is created that Tripmaster and Heigh can co-exist on a current Navcore 9 TomTom.

Is that not the case? If so I think your page at Le Web Bazar !!! Applications Tomtom !! Patch Tomtom v8.350 !!! needs to be updated to reflect that fact. Obviously the page doesn't very clearly current state that Height and Tripmaster can be run together on the same TomTom when this appears not to be the case.:(

Tripmaster 3.1 and Height 8 will run together on a version 9.xx navcore. I have them running on a
navcore v9.151.605385.2 and v9.205.547817 using the following ttn modification. No guarantee it
will work with other version 9.xx navcores but these are the only two I have tried this with and I
am two for two so it's worth a try.

As mentioned here Le Web B@zar !!! Applications Tomtom !! Patch Tomtom v8.350 !!! , you can run both Height and Tripmaster at the same time but you will have to modify the Hook Program's TTN file. The modded line needs to look like the following for it to work on the v9.xx navcores that don't work using the web page instructions

LD_PRELOAD=/mnt/sdcard/plugins_hook/ ttn

Which is opposite from what is suggested on Le Web Bazaar. Remember this is for the version 9.xx navcores that dont work with the web page instructions.. Get Height 8 from here: HEIGHT8.ZIP

Get a pre-modified TTN file for running Tripmaster and Height on v9.xx navcores from

Some additional Height info can be found in the following two links:
New Project: Height - yourTomTom Forum | About your TomTom GO, XL, ONE and RIDER!

Height - OpenTom

Don't forget to do a backup before you start playing.
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Tripmaster 3.1 and Height 8 will run together on a version 9.xx navcore. I have them running on a navcore v9.151.605385.2 and v9.205.547817 using the following ttn modification. No guarantee it will work with other version 9.xx navcores but these are the only two I have tried this with and I am two for two so it's worth a try.

As mentioned here

Thanks for this information Aiken Drum. However I wonder what changed in Height v9 or later to stop Tripmaster from working with Height under Navcore 9? Also I wonder if Height 12 might also be compatible with Tripmaster based on Joghurt's version change log and his comments against V13 - "If flickering on older NavCores, use 12 or 8!"? Also I noticed that auto screen mode detection wasn't yet incorporated in v8 of Height (it was incorporated by v10 hence my interest in whether v12 also works with Tripmaster under version 9 Navcores) and I wonder how much of a problem this may be in practice?

It seems a shame that more of Joghurt's other modules such as Calculator, FuelControl and InARow can also not be got working under the later v8 and the v9 Navcores. I supose Joghurt must have lost heart with reworking these after TomTom went out of their way to make life so difficult for third party app designers (and effectively impossible from the 1000 series v10 Navcores onwards with no Windows Explorer access any longer available)?

It seems that Joghurt isn't following this thread/forum so perhaps I need to contact him via his site or PM him through his forum ID in the discussion thread at to make him aware of it.

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Thanks for this information Aiken Drum. However I wonder what changed in Height v9 or later to stop Tripmaster from working with Height under Navcore 9? Also I wonder if Height 12 might also be compatible with Tripmaster based on Joghurt's version change log and his comments against V13 - "If flickering on older NavCores, use 12 or 8!"? Also I noticed that auto screen mode detection wasn't yet incorporated in v8 of Height (it was incorporated by v10 hence my interest in whether v12 also works with Tripmaster under version 9 Navcores) and I wonder how much of a problem this may be in practice?

You got me thinking about the other version of Height I tried to get running, Height v17. So I tried it with the modified ttn file and it works on both v9.xx navcores that Height v8 works on. It seems it likes to use the Hook program just like Tripmaster? On the modified ttn all I did was reverse the loading order of Height and Hook, putting it to Hook and Height. So loading Hook first is either making the environment friendly or is letting Height use the Hook program just like Tripmaster.

Not sure what screen detection was implemented in v10 of Height, might have been just which screen to show itself? I didn't need to fix the cfg file in v17 to get rid of the screen numbers like I had to on v8, v17 showed altitude on the initial run of the program.

So to get Height_17 running all I did was keep the modified ttn I used for v8, copied the height.cfg to Height directory and copied from the extracted wrapper directory to the Height directory, just replaced those two files. Did not use the other files.

Height v8 and Height v17 also runs ok beside Offroad Navigator. Maybe I will try Joghurt's other stuff with the Hook?
Fuel control does not work on v9.xx navcore with hook
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So to get Height_17 running all I did was keep the modified ttn I used for v8, copied the height.cfg to Height directory and copied from the extracted wrapper directory to the Height directory, just replaced those two files. Did not use the other files.

Height v8 and Height v17 also runs ok beside Offroad Navigator. Maybe I will try Joghurt's other stuff with the Hook?


Fuel control does not work on v9.xx navcore with hook

Interesting findings Aiken Drum. So are you saying that one just installs the plugin hook program then Tripmaster and then replace the ttn file with your modified one and put both height.cfg and in the Height directory? I thought that under the normal install was placed somewhere else?

A pity to hear that FuelControl does not work. Any luck with the Calculator or TicTacToe programs? I would expect not as I belive they all replace the whole TomTom navigation screen and don't just post data to a small part of it like Height does? Tripmaster was fully rewritten to make it compatible with Navcore 9.
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Interesting findings Aiken Drum. So are you saying that one just installs the plugin hook program then Tripmaster and then replace the ttn file with your modified one and put both height.cfg and in the Height directory? I thought that under the normal install was placed somewhere else?

Yes, that is what you do. Version 9.xx navcore anyway.

I put the v17 into the Height directory because that is where the modified ttn file points to. Also put v17 height.cfg in the Height directory. No other files from v17 were used, just those two.

Height v8 only has those two files and they will go into the Height directory also. Either version worked like that, I suspect other versions may also work like that.

A pity to hear that FuelControl does not work. Any luck with the Calculator or TicTacToe programs? I would expect not as I belive they all replace the whole TomTom navigation screen and don't just post data to a small part of it like Height does? Tripmaster was fully rewritten to make it compatible with Navcore 9.

I looked at tictactoe and it is built similar to fuel control so didn't try it.
LD_PRELOAD=/mnt/sdcard/plugins_hook/ ttn

Thank you Aiken Drum. Your modification of the original plugins_hook so it looks like the above quote (reversing the and the hook order) successfully allows Offroad Navigator and Tripmaster to correctly work with Height. Way to go!
Yes, that is what you do. Version 9.xx navcore anyway.

I put the v17 into the Height directory because that is where the modified ttn file points to. Also put v17 height.cfg in the Height directory. No other files from v17 were used, just those two.

Height v8 only has those two files and they will go into the Height directory also. Either version worked like that, I suspect other versions may also work like that..

I have tried this now but find that with Navcore 9.058 it is unsatisfactory because although the Height altitude shows up in the normal place on the screen the digits flicker, whereas they don't if the modified ttn file and/or Tripmaster and/or Off Road Navigator are not installed on my 940.

May be the flickering of the Height digits didn't happen with your v9 Navcore or perhaps it didn't bother you? I found I had this problem using either Height v8 or Height v17 with your modified ttn in the root and with just and height.cfg in the Height directory on the TomTom.
May be the flickering of the Height digits didn't happen with your v9 Navcore or perhaps it didn't bother you?

You are correct - my numbers do have a slight flickering. It only bothers me if I look at the numbers too long (smile). If it were a distraction I would remove Height, but until that happens, I am willing to live with this quirk.
You are correct - my numbers do have a slight flickering. It only bothers me if I look at the numbers too long (smile). If it were a distraction I would remove Height, but until that happens, I am willing to live with this quirk.

I found the flickering of the Height numbers bothered me a lot as it was on my main TomTom navigation screen. Also while it is nice to have Tripmaster and Off Road Navigator there for occasional use my need to use either of them is in practice very limited.

In any case I have just ordered a Garmin 1200T Satnav from as it was only 59.99GBP and I was interested to see how their TMC Premium Traffic compared with TomTom HD Traffic. This also comes with features such as an altitude meter, average, speed, fuel consumption and total trip distance that TomTom so stupidly and thoughtlessly denies to its customers as a product feature.
You got me thinking about the other version of Height I tried to get running, Height v17. So I tried it with the modified ttn file and it works on both v9.xx navcores that Height v8 works on. It seems it likes to use the Hook program just like Tripmaster? On the modified ttn all I did was reverse the loading order of Height and Hook, putting it to Hook and Height. So loading Hook first is either making the environment friendly or is letting Height use the Hook program just like Tripmaster.

Not sure what screen detection was implemented in v10 of Height, might have been just which screen to show itself? I didn't need to fix the cfg file in v17 to get rid of the screen numbers like I had to on v8, v17 showed altitude on the initial run of the program.

So to get Height_17 running all I did was keep the modified ttn I used for v8, copied the height.cfg to Height directory and copied from the extracted wrapper directory to the Height directory, just replaced those two files. Did not use the other files.

Height v8 and Height v17 also runs ok beside Offroad Navigator. Maybe I will try Joghurt's other stuff with the Hook?
Fuel control does not work on v9.xx navcore with hook

I had a hard time understanding what/how you managed to get tripmaster and height working. So to clarify things really easy i did snapshots on this fix so anyone can easily put the files on there tomtom with ease.
Thanks for your hard the way this works like a champ!!!


  • Heigth1.jpg
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You shouldn't use Notepad to edit height.cfg as you suggest in your final step as this will eliminate its Linux text file format when it is saved.

Wordpad or Word are ok.

I would have thought Joghurt and Roussillat could now get their heads together to work out what is required to avoid the flickering Height digits.
Your right, I edited the cfg file using Word 2007. I re uploaded the pic in .zip file as they are way to blury for anyone to see


    1.6 MB · Views: 638
I have tried this now but find that with Navcore 9.058 it is unsatisfactory because although the Height altitude shows up in the normal place on the screen the digits flicker, whereas they don't if the modified ttn file and/or Tripmaster and/or Off Road Navigator are not installed on my 940.

May be the flickering of the Height digits didn't happen with your v9 Navcore or perhaps it didn't bother you? I found I had this problem using either Height v8 or Height v17 with your modified ttn in the root and with just and height.cfg in the Height directory on the TomTom.

The Height does pulse a little but not a bother to me. You could try putting it on a different part of the screen where it won't stand out by itself. Seems to be accurate, it went negative on me when I drove through the Mobile Bay Tunnel, said I was 48 feet under water :)
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Even Better here are the files you need in a .zip file

The Height does pulse a little but not a bother to me. You could try putting it on a different part of the screen where it won't stand out by itself. Seems to be accurate, it went negative on me when I drove through the Mobile Bay Tunnel, said I was 48 feet under water :)

Good job, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Thanks for the kind about to outdo myself and provide all the files needed in a .zip file. The CFG file is converted for "feet" here in the U.S. If you need Metric just change it back to M.


  • tomtom
    1,023.7 KB · Views: 563

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