Tried putting North America maps on ONE

Dec 14, 2006
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 335S
and failed. I tried 3 different times. It seems to install ok on the 2g SD card, but then once I turn the ONE on with the 2g card, it freezes right up. Won't get past the start up screen. Any ideas?

Here's what I did. I copied over all data from the 1g card to the 2g card. I then opened HOME and chose to delete the USA/Canada map. Once deleted, I had plenty of room for the North America map. I installed it, the installation went fine. Once it refreshed, the North America maps showed up fine in HOME. I then ejected my ONE from the computer and turned it on. Freezes, every time.

Would love to hear your ideas on this one. I was really hoping to use the larger North America maps on my ONE!
Don't COPY

Use the 1GB card back in the ONE. ( I hope you have on origional backup)
Back it up to HOME

replace the 1GB card with the 2GB Card (empty)

Restore from HOME to the 2GB card

THEN try your upgrade.

Let me know....
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Ok, I will try this. How should I proceed with emptying the 2g card? Just throw it in a card reader and delete everything that's on there? Should I reformat, and if so, using what format? Thanks!

Also, I definitely still have my original 1g card, untouched. I used a card reader with the 2g card and HOME recognized it just fine. This was a tip from a member over at yournav.
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Ok, funny thing happened. When I restored onto the 2g card, it is only recognizing it as a 1g card. So I'm going to try this again and manually restore from my backup without using HOME. I'm losing hope....
Ok, I have tried everything and nothing works. I hope someone else has better luck than I've had. Until then, back to the USA/Canada maps on my ONE instead of the North America maps. Oh well! :)
Must have done something amiss....

I wish I had a 2GB card to try this 1st hand on but I don't right now. I have read somewhere that someone did do this. Maybe on

I'll search again but I thought restoring to a bigger card worked. It you sync or restore?
I restored. I then deleted the USA/Canada map using HOME to make room for the NA map, and lo and behold, it showed my 2g card as only being a 1g card. SURELY TT didn't do something smarty pants to really disable using a larger SD card!
Well TT Support DID tell me that the ONE will only work with a 1GB card but we have clearly heard from others that they are using 2 and 4 GB cards...

You have the Map DVD. It has the GO App on it too. Try a clean install right to the 2GB card and then move your POIs and MapSettings.cfg file over...?

I wish I had this in front of me. I don't have the cha-ching right now for a bigger card or I'd be trying this myself as I speak (had I not already done it)
I restored. I then deleted the USA/Canada map using HOME to make room for the NA map, and lo and behold, it showed my 2g card as only being a 1g card. SURELY TT didn't do something smarty pants to really disable using a larger SD card!

I installed the NA map on a 2GB card and it works. Do not restore TomTom to your 2GB card. Delete everything from the 2GB card, Open TomTom Home on desktop, put the DVD in the DVD drive; and install the system, the NA map, and the voices you want from the DVD onto the 2GB card.
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After you do the fresh install you will need to get you mapsettings.cfg file off the 1GB card or from a backup if you want to have your favorites...
copy your itn folder too... your sdkregistry folder.... schemes.... and any other apps (suntime, Event_Logger, TripMaster, etc) and don't forget your cleanup.txt

that should about cover it.

When you are done..... back it up 1st, then use it. ;)
Super sweet, I can't wait to try it this way (practically the only way I DIDN'T try it before!)

Thanks PS for TT. Will report back once I've done this.

On another note, I took a 300 mile road trip to Austin yesterday with both my ONE and 910, and another difference I've noticed between the 2 is the 910 shows water masses and the ONE doesn't show quite as many. The actual map data (the roads) were the exact same the entire trip. But on the 910 I would see a few lakes here and there that didn't appear on the ONE. So I wonder if this also accounts for the larger size of the North America map? This and the POI data?

Also, did you use a card reader to install on the 2g card, or was it in your ONE and just empty? Thanks!

And thanks battom for the suggestions on what to put back, I never would have thought about some of those. :)
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Not sure if they were in sync or not, I haven't touched the window zooms on either device. So they were both on whatever is default from the factory.
Defaults on each device doesn't mean they are the same though... ;)

Something to test though!! Not that I care much about water on the side of the road. :p
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I don't care much about water on the side of the road, but it could account a bit for the larger size of the NA map vs the USA/Canada one. That and the POI data.
Super sweet, I can't wait to try it this way (practically the only way I DIDN'T try it before!)

Thanks PS for TT. Will report back once I've done this.

On another note, I took a 300 mile road trip to Austin yesterday with both my ONE and 910, and another difference I've noticed between the 2 is the 910 shows water masses and the ONE doesn't show quite as many. The actual map data (the roads) were the exact same the entire trip. But on the 910 I would see a few lakes here and there that didn't appear on the ONE. So I wonder if this also accounts for the larger size of the North America map? This and the POI data?

Also, did you use a card reader to install on the 2g card, or was it in your ONE and just empty? Thanks!

And thanks battom for the suggestions on what to put back, I never would have thought about some of those. :)

It was empty and in my One. You do need to copy some of the files over (such as mapsettings.cfg) afterward as adviced by battom if you want to keep your personal settings and POIs. So you need to keep a copy of these files on you PC either in a TomTom backup or a seperate folder.
Very cool, I can't wait to try this when I get home. Out of curiousity, do you think it matters about the speed of the SD card? I didn't buy anything fancy, just a regular Sandisk 2g.
Very cool, I can't wait to try this when I get home. Out of curiousity, do you think it matters about the speed of the SD card? I didn't buy anything fancy, just a regular Sandisk 2g.

You probably is asking the wrong person. I bought the cheapest 2GB SD card I could find. It takes me a minute or so just to get out of my garage;) , so what if my TomTom take a few more seconds to find my route?

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