Tomtom icons for POIs

Jun 24, 2012
Ontario, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Sony XNV-660BT
Hi there,
Just wondering if anyone here has designed and used their own icons for POIs.
I've recently learned if you use red (RGB code 255-0-0) that it will act as a transparent colour.
What is the default size for Tomtom icons? Do you prefer larger or smaller icons?
Can anyone lead me to a resource online with ready-made icons for Tomtom? (e.g. corporate logos?)
Can anyone lead me to a resource online with ready-made icons for Tomtom? (e.g. corporate logos?)
The icons are just files in the .bmp format.

As a source for icons - and for independently created POI files associated with those icons - I suggest looking at the POI-Factory web site, which is located at

You will not find every possible POI file there, but there are a LOT of them, including some for subjects that you may not have ever thought about.

- Tom -
I've done a lot of research on TomTom's POI icons in the past, and the sizes that can be used have changed several times over the years, as has the way in which those sizes are actually USED and shown on screen.
In other words, just because you use a larger icon, doesn't necessarily mean it gets shown larger on screen

The (255,0,0 Red) transparency trick has worked for ages, but they have managed to wreck it in several ways in the past in various software versions.

Here are a few examples to show what I mean:

Firstly, here's a NAV2 model (GO940).
Normal Icons are in the top row, ones with red backgrounds on the bottom.
The 22x22 icon gets corrupted and the 44x44 icons are squashed down to 25x25. Transparency is not working, and the red is either left as it is or replaced by grey.


Next, here's a NAV3 model (GO1000) same icon layout.

The correct sizes are maintained, but the "frame" effect they added doesn't work at all sizes.
Transparency only works at certain sizes.


They also forgot to code in the transparency effect on the NAV3 menu screens, so the original red background still shows:


This was all done a while ago, the situation MAY have changed again since I last checked.
I *think* they're 25x25, and these transparent icons are transparent on my GO1535. A few samples below, and they don't show any red in the background ...


  • Earth.bmp
    1.9 KB · Views: 388
  • GeoFound.bmp
    1.9 KB · Views: 351
  • GeoMine.bmp
    1.9 KB · Views: 357
Here's a shot of what it looks like with those icons on a Via 135


  • img20140504-153134.jpg
    49.1 KB · Views: 351
Thanks a lot! Good tips. Do you have any colour schemes on your TomTom that cannot be found on this forum? Thanks.
Nope. I've just stuck with Belgica on all of the units I've had that provided the option. Seems to suit my eye the best.

I also did recheck, and those are 25x25 icons using full red (FF0000) for the background, and they come up transparent on 3 different Nav3 models (GO1535, Via 1605, and Via 1535).
Do you have any colour schemes on your TomTom that cannot be found on this forum?

Yes. Go to the "Colour Scheme Editor" website and look on the "Schemes 1,2, and 3" tabs..

The Colour Scheme editor itself is very useful, but do be aware that since it was produced, TomTom (in their wisdom!) added a few more coloured items that don;t seem to be configurable from the Colour Scheme files.

(And of course, none of this works on the very latest Android-based models :mad:)
Thanks for your help. I have the CSE. I notice a section (in red) in which you can change the colours but there doesn't seem to be any effect in the finished product. Is this the section you are referring to? I've tried different combinations but can't see (unless I'm missing something) when on the road.

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