TomTom Home update problem

Feb 19, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
TTHome notified me that there was an update available and downloaded it, The install process started and ran for a short time when I got an error code 1260 Windows cannot open this file because it has been prevented by a software prevention policy. TTHome is on an XP machine that has had no problems updating TTHome before. The version that is on the machine that needs updating is and the new version attempting to install is Unfortunately this means I can not longer use TTHome because the old version will no longer run unless it gets updated.

Has anyone else run into this problem and if so, how did you fix it. i have spent 4 hours searching the net for solutions. Some registry modifications tried but no joy with any and the registry is now back to what it was originally. I also tried with no firewall and the AV program disabled and scanned for malware etc.
Do you have an antivirus or firewall perhaps preventing the download from installing?
Do you have an antivirus or firewall perhaps preventing the download from installing?

As I said in the last sentence of my post, I also tried with no firewall and the AV program disabled and scanned for malware etc.

Hundreds of incidences reported on the internet of error code 1260 and 11260 (Same error) re programs being prevented from installing/updating. I tried many things that were suggested but none worked.

TTHome has been running OK on this machine for several years, updating OK, and yesterday for some reason it gets this error. I would think that something in this particular update has caused this! BTW, TTHome on my Win10 Pro machine updated OK, so looks like it might be a problem with the update's compatibility with XP. I use an old XP laptop when travelling once or twice a year during which time I like to get the GPS Quick Fix updates to speed up the acquisition of satellites since they only are good for 7 days.
Yes, the machine has SP3! I have worked in the tech side of the computer industry since 1961, so know my way around computers fairly well.

As I said, the machine has updated TTHome perfectly until this update! I thought by posting to this group, there might be others who may have the same problem.

What I think I am going to try is to completely uninstall TTHome and reinstall the latest version from the TT website and see if that will install. As it is, the program is useless because it won't let me use the old version and the new version won't install.
[strike]Have a look what is at Program Files (x86)\TomTom HOME 2. I am still using

I can send it to you the EXE files if you want but I would first delete HOME 2 altogether. Download from the web again. Install without the device connected.
See what happens.[/strike]
Disregard all that.
Delete TomTom HOME at Programs and Features.
Go to and download latest. Install.
Start program, connect device, select Operate my navigation device
and Robert's your mother's brother.

Just changed the map from Europe to North America.
Screen Shot 01-24-18 at 06.52 PM.PNG
FWIW, David swears by the Revo uninstaller to uninstall Home more completely.
I know he does but it did nothing for me when I tried it. I wrote about it.

The installation of and screen print of it in use shows that Windows by itself did nicely.
Follow up re TTHome update problem on Windows XP laptop: Uninstalled TTHome via Control Panel. Deleted Tomtom folder from %appdata%. Downloaded latest version from TT website and it installed and works OK.

It will be interesting to see what happens the next time TTHome want to install an update. Would hate to have go this rigmarole every update. For now I am able to use it with no problems! Thx for the precious suggestions . . .
The installation of and screen print of it in use shows that Windows by itself did nicely.
That was then.

Got an eMail yesterday about an important update for my 930.

Screen 05-31-18 at 07.28 PM.JPG

Talk about deception. Look below what downloaded (my guess to comply with GDPR rules).

Screen 05-31-18 at 07.14 PM.JPG

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