TomTom GO 730 Restore

Jun 23, 2009
First I must say this forum is very informative...great place to be. I picked up a Go730 about 2 months ago. Unfortunately I did not do a back up. I did the upgrade to App V8.351, Gps V1.20, Boot V 5.5120 and Map V830.2284 Since then I have had problems listed in the forum in terms of the GO730 shutting down when you respond YES to connect to computer, have to do a soft reset every time and then it will connect without asking to connect to computer.
My friend just bought one (Go 730) and I advise him to do a back up before doing any upgrades, so he did. He then accepted the upgrade and it udated his GO703 to exactly the V on my device and his works fine. My question is can I use his copy and restore it on my device? to bring it back to the original settings then do the uprgade.Will i lose my updated map?
Thank you for any help you can suggest.
No, you can't since maps are locked to a specific device.

I assume by 'updated' you mean 835, right?

If your map is on the unit, then make an Explorer backup, not Home, right now. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing. Confirm the backup is on the computer. Then format the unit (don't use quickformat).

Then restore the backup, again using Explorer.
No, you can't since maps are locked to a specific device.

I assume by 'updated' you mean 835, right?

If your map is on the unit, then make an Explorer backup, not Home, right now. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing. Confirm the backup is on the computer. Then format the unit (don't use quickformat).

Then restore the backup, again using Explorer.
Thank you for your prompt great dedication. So glad I posted my question here. You may be correct my friend may have the 835 as he just updated his Map just yesterday, but I did mine about 2 months ago so I have the North American 2 gb v830.2284. Guess that's what you meant when you said 835 right?
I will try doing the back up through explorer. By the way the format is also through Explorer right? I had reported my issues to TomTom support and they give me an rma # to ship back to them so I still have the option to send back the unit for replacement if formatting and restoring does not work, guess a refurb.
Thank you so much once again
From prior posts, it appears that the missing "connect to computer" issue is bootloader related and thus not correctable by a format.

Give it a shot if you want, but my suspicion is you'll need the RMA.
Thank you mvI, I'll give it a try but like you said I too believe it's the bootloader. so I'm sure I will have to send it back for exchange. I just hope that they will give me the updated map that's currently on my device.
Thanks for the response.
From prior posts, it appears that the missing "connect to computer" issue is bootloader related and thus not correctable by a format.

Give it a shot if you want, but my suspicion is you'll need the RMA.
Do you know if the boothloader problem affects the functionality of the unit other than connecting to TT Home?. If that's the only thing it affects then I don't mind doing a soft reset when ever I have to check for updates. My device is only two months old and I'm concern that the refurb one may be much older and I may end up with much more long term problems i.e. battery life and other unknown hidden problems.
Thanks mvI and dhn for all your help. I hope TomTom reconise you guys for all the quality time you spend helping other TomTom users.
Tomtom doesn't publish much detail on what application upgrades in general do, and basically never mention that bootloaders exist. So you really can't know exactly what changes.

The things we do know about bootloaders is that they affect the startup routing (eg: the connect to computer prompt), and affect compatibility with SD cards. Beyond that, who knows.

If you use bluetooth for quickgpsfix, you really don't need to plug in much. If I were in your shoes with that as the only issue (and used bluetooth data), I wouldn't bother with an RMA.
Thank you mvI. So far the only issue is the connect to computer, everything else seems to work including reading the SD card, I think I will keep my unit.
Much Appreciated

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