TomTom Go 700 SD Card with a Red Cross.

Oct 18, 2009
i haven't used my tomtom for a while and now when i start it up i get a picture of the tomtom showing the sd card been withdrawn from the device and showing a red cross through it.

i have downloaded the latest TomTom Home and connected by device to the pc but it says no device is connected.
i was wanting to go to back up and restore for my device.

could anyone give me some advice on what i can do?

kind regards,

Try putting it on charge overnight then se what happens in the morning, the 700 contains a hard drive which needs more power than the flash storage and a low battery can often be the culprit if the device has been sat around for some time - Mike
hi Mike,
thanks for the swift reply.

i will do as you say and let you know the out come tomorrow.
hi mike,
i have had the device on charge overnight and still no joy. i have tried the reset button on the device and i am still getting the same result.
could you please advise on what else i could do?
if you mean the reset button at the back of the device i have tried this as mentioned earlier. if there is another please can you advise?
Try connecting the device to the computer, when you have done this does the device show up as its own drive letter and are the folders/ files installed to the hard drive within the device viewable on the computer using Windows Explorer?
I notice you have added me to your MSN contacts group, if you want to contact me via that then fine, but for the benefit of other forum users it would be better if the solution/ outcome to this issue is posted on the forum - Mike
hi mike,
i have connected the device to my pc via the usb connection and switched on the tomtom. the tomtom shows a picture of a hand over a tomtom with a red cross over it.

in the bottom left hand corner there is a sd card flashing. it is also showing on the display please wait with an egg timer.

the device is connected to the pc as it has its own drive, f. but when i open this drive it prompts me with " please insert a disk into drive f".

when i open tomtom home and login i still get in the bottom right hand corner no device connected.
Do you have a backup from a point prior to the device not working? If so I would format the device and re-install your backup, as Windows Explorer cannot see files on the device correctly you might be looking at a hard drive failure, in which case you need to way up if a repair is cost effective vs a new toy to replace the old device - Mike
my back up is on the tomtom home that i have on my pc but i cannot open this due to the device not connecting.
a bit of catch 22.

when you say hardrive you are talking about inside the device.

you don't think the sd card is corrupt?

Can you clarify exactly what device you have got, if its a Go-700 it should have a 2,5GB hard drive within the device and no slot for an SD card, if your device accepts a memory card then its something other than a Go-700 - Mike
In which case take the SD card out of the device and put it in a card reader, then see if you can see the card and its contents using Windows Explorer on the PC - Mike
when i insert the sd card it has its own drive (D), but it says please insert a disk into secure digital storage device:D.

this is similar to what i get when connecting the tomtom to my pc.

does this mean the sd card is faulty?

The card might not be faulty but the data contained on the card certainly is corupt, if you have a backup then its easy to format the card and copy your backup to the card which should get the device working again, if you don't have a backup we can still recover the device but you will have to purchase a new map - Mike
hi mike,
thanks for your help.
were is the best place to purchase a map?

how do you recover the device?
i have removed photos from a sd card i have in my camera and loaded this into my tomtom.
i am now able to connect the device to tomtom home and carry out an application navigation update.

unfortunately i don't have any maps installed so i cannot use the device.

were would you recommend i bought a uk/ ireland download from?

thanks for the information and all your help.
i will let you know how i get on with the maps downlaod.

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