tomtom go 520

Feb 25, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
Hi guys hope someone can help me, i have a tomtom go 520, i had a couple of problems , 1 being that my screen needed calibrating ( press on a letter and a letter 1cm would respond) the 2nd the tomtom couldnt find any satellites, so done a bit of browsing on web and followed instructions to format and start fresh, before formatting i done a backup, then went through the process of doing updates and son, but it seems when it did the new updates it made a new backup and overwrote the original back up, now my problem is that there are no maps installed, and i cannot locate them on my pc, any ideas what i can do pls
Using Home for backups is a disaster unless you rename the folder each time so you get unique backups.

Let's start with the ugly part. First, there was probably no need to reformat to get your unit to see satellites again. Not sure what the connection was there, but it's water under the bridge now.

Updates should not create a new backup unless you ask it to. So let's see what you really have backed up and what you don't.

On your PC, navigate to My Documents / TomTom / HOME / Backup / GO
You should find a folder there called Backup01. Take a look inside. You don't say whether you had an SD card installed, but let's just look at Internal storage of the unit.
You should see a folder called Western_Europe or UK&ROI or whatever corresponds to the maps you previously owned. Can you tell us what you see there?
thanks for your reply, this a screen shot of what i see, there is no sd card fitted.


the folder which says united kingdom & ire has nothing it it
Can we have a look at what is inside "InternalMemory"? That's where the files are all stored.
Many thanks - I know this is tedious!

Please let us have a peek into United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland
That's your map folder.
mate there is nothing in that folder , basically as mentioned before, the tomtom home backed up the device after it was formatted and over wrote over the original back up before it was formatted, there is no maps any where , is there any way of getting this map
Post-format backup has really hurt. OK - one more chance at this ...

Please check the following folder: My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete
I'm hoping that at some point, you took advantage of the 1 time map update or updated it at some point later in time. If there are folders within the 'complete' folder, please advise of contents.
Rats. I was very much hoping that there would be a 'map' folder there, indicating that you had at least taken advantage of the 'one time update' when you purchased the unit.

Sadly, it now comes down to a bit of begging and groveling with tech support to see if they will post a map to your account so that you can download it via Home.

UK support: 0845 161 0009 or 020 7387 5444
tried that earlier but no joy , they said they dont even support this model anymore, so i take it that its time for the bin then
I'd ring them up again. You never know if you might get a different answer. They certainly do have maps for your unit.
... and be quite insistant that it was THEIR stupid system that caused you to lose your map backup.

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