TomTom gets a new logo

maybe in time, but for now, I prefer the current logo. It's more playful and refreshing in a market of serious, "all business" corporate logos.

Edit: Might I add that news link is only available if you select US as your home country. Choosing Canada doesn't show it. Thanks TT...
Edit: Might I add that news link is only available if you select US as your home country. Choosing Canada doesn't show it. Thanks TT...
Canada isn't a Country? Heh?
They just need to update their links... (but then don't they end up breaking stuff when they update?)

I don't like the new logo. To me it's saying "Gaze into my crystal ball..." But who am I?....
I also dislike the new logo, why have a new logo when the old one was successful?? Very awkward and strange branding stragedy if you ask me. As you all have put it, they should spend more money and time on things that really matters like updating their links and such.

“The new logo reflects these changes and symbolises TomTom’s care for its customers.."

And a user over at yournav's response to this (which I got a huge kick out of, I'm STILL laughing about it...)

'hahah!! I think a logo with the middle finger stuck straight up would have been more representative!!!'
maybe it's two hands waving buh-bye? suckers bought our product but ain't gettin now support...
OUCH! You guys are hard core! What I can't understand is why a large company would make such small, seaminly unpreceptable changes to their logo and expect the public to see that they are making big changes in their organization. Just my 2 cents worth.:rolleyes:
too late guys, they're already using it. My latest e-mail from them (regarding instructions on how to install) uses the new logo as the header.
I personally have never had any issues with TT support, but after hearing from the many users who HAVE, I did laugh at that one guy's response. :)

I also received an email today from TT with instructions on how to load the new maps (thanks, I already did that like 3 weeks ago... LOL) and it had the new logo on the email.

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