Terrible Customer Service

Jul 11, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Go Live 1000
Hello All,
I would like to share my story with all of you... to advice what kind of problem you may have if you need assistance from the TT Customer Service.

I was an happy user of a TomTom Go Live 1000 till last april... than GPS signal lost, Live services not working.. etc..
I get in touch with the support and they asked to reset the device... than to send to repair. (in the meantime several days, emails and phone calls...)

I have got back an used device that worked for five days... than also this was not working.
again... several days, emails and phone calls...

I asked for a new a brand new device...
They confirmed that they were going to deliver one without any other request and I was also able to keep the old one...
One week later... (2 emails and 1 phone call...). They said to send back the old one... and to wait two days. They were than providing a tracking number...

I sent back the old one... and I called for the tracking number...
answer: no you need to fill this form... in 20 days you should receive...

I made a short version.,... but it is important to notice that from April to today July 11th I was without GPS and I needed to calla nd to send the emails several times... I was expecting another support from this company.
I do not think I'll buy another TomTom...

So, this is what you could get trying to deal with the TT Customer Service.

Do you have the "problem ticket" number (or numbers) that were given to you over the phone for this problem by tech support representatives?
You and me both mate.

I have had almost the same series of events as you. My tom tom go live 1000 has been back three times and sent back with the same problem 3 times.. but now they have started ignoring my emails. I think they r waiting for the gaurentee to run out because they know they cant fix it and dont want to replace it .. They r a joke.
As in the other thread, can you give us a clue as to what kind of problems you were having? We don't mind you complaining (we do it often), but it really would be good if we could assist you in some way at the same time.
customer services

I thought that was customer services job??? But since you offer your help.. As I said in my other thread its a looping tom tom go live 1000. returned on DER44799. Then reported again on incident 120622-001295. these r just the latest in a long line of incident numbers but if you read the corresponding emails you should get the jist of it.
Sorry "sick as a parrot"... I think you may have got the wrong end of the stick!

WE are not TomTom customer services... we are just users and owners like yourself. Look at the forum logo, we are totally independent of TomTom (the company).

For info, we have no access to any emails between you and the company, and any incident report numbers are meaningless to us.

A couple of us have ways to contact certain people at TomTom, but none of us knows anyone in customer services directly.
Yes, now you can see why our perspective on your problem was a bit limited. No access to those "corresponding emails".

We can tell what was wrong with the first and last units. What kind of problems did you have with the 2nd one?
Hello All,
I would like to share my story with all of you... to advice what kind of problem you may have if you need assistance from the TT Customer Service.

I was an happy user of a TomTom Go Live 1000 till last april... than GPS signal lost, Live services not working.. etc..
I get in touch with the support and they asked to reset the device... than to send to repair. (in the meantime several days, emails and phone calls...)

I have got back an used device that worked for five days... than also this was not working.
again... several days, emails and phone calls...

I asked for a new a brand new device...
They confirmed that they were going to deliver one without any other request and I was also able to keep the old one...
One week later... (2 emails and 1 phone call...). They said to send back the old one... and to wait two days. They were than providing a tracking number...

I sent back the old one... and I called for the tracking number...
answer: no you need to fill this form... in 20 days you should receive...

I made a short version.,... but it is important to notice that from April to today July 11th I was without GPS and I needed to calla nd to send the emails several times... I was expecting another support from this company.
I do not think I'll buy another TomTom...

So, this is what you could get trying to deal with the TT Customer Service.


News, on last Wensday the customer service that a new GPS was going to be set to my address... on Wensday or Thursday to receiver it overnight.
Today, Firday the ticket open does not show that the parcel is sent... so I'll go on holidays without my device.
Or I am thinking to sell it... and bye a competitor one and so goodbye tomtom... !!!
Poor fellow has had SIX different tickets open, and still no device. Might be worth letting your contact back at TomTom know about this one.
I got a new device (not sealed anyway) and it is working correctly.
BUT!! I have not updated it yet.

I'll update the device in the further days and I hope it will continue to work. :sad:

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