Startup For 3.5" Screens

Help needed

Can someone help me with this?!?!?! I'm tired of trying to get it to fit and look good.

Go here:
click the media gallery link then the 5th picture in from the left.

I've been trying for 2 days to get that image scaled down to fit my ONE for my splash screen to no avail.

I'm on the market for a new car and want that image as a reminder to check it out when they come this summer.

Anyone who can get it sized and look good... I will be most appreciative!!!
I did it really quick.
Check it out.

in the words of that hair club for men guy...

I'm not only a Moderator.... I'm also a client! Thanks P!!!!!
I was trying to have just the car as big as I could get it but I like it with the TT Logo!

:D :cool:
Your welcome. I first did it with the car only, but it made the car's shape all weird. So I added the logo.
Ok, can somebody put together a quick tutorial on how to display images on this forum using :D

I'm having problems getting the right codes to properly display the images here. :confused:
Just use "insert image" then type the URL where you image is kept.

Like this

only instead of ( ) use [ ]

Last edited:
ok, lets try this...

For the BMW drivers, heres my splash screen (ss). Note, I have seen/used some of the other publicly available BMW ss, and found that most of them either had poor image resolution or used 'unofficial' corporate logos and colors, for both BMW and TomTom. I sourced official logos in vector format and created this splash. :D

I put some custom splash screens on my one after I did the upgrade the the n/a maps. For some reason, they cause my one to reboot after I try to shut it off. The pictures display just fine. I did notice that it seems to hang for much longer on the suspend screen. Deleting these custom screens fixed the problem. Original splash screens do not reproduce the problem. When I installed the custom screens, I renamed the originals with a .old extension.

Anyone have ideas as to a cause?
I put some custom splash screens on my one after I did the upgrade the the n/a maps. For some reason, they cause my one to reboot after I try to shut it off. The pictures display just fine. I did notice that it seems to hang for much longer on the suspend screen. Deleting these custom screens fixed the problem. Original splash screens do not reproduce the problem. When I installed the custom screens, I renamed the originals with a .old extension.

Anyone have ideas as to a cause?

hmmm...I wouldn't see why it would do that. Did you use the splash generator found here? I have custom splash and suspend screen, try downloading mine found in my sig and see if you still have the same problem. You are going to have to save the .jpg to a .bmp in order for it to work.

The custom screens are working fine one my TT1.
There must be something wrong with my splash screens because yours worked fine. I did notice that yours are in portrait mode while my splash screens that I used are in landscape. I realize that the pictures need to be in portrait mode however when I first tried them in that mode, they wouldn't show up on the TT. So I flipped them around and then they would show up. Guess I'll have to screw with it more. It's very weird that a simple bmp file could cause a loop like that.
This is weird. I just flipped the same screens that messed it up yesterday so the attributes were the same as your screens, and it worked!! No clue why but I have the custom screens, and it doesn't do the reboot loop. I dunno. Must have been some weird celestial alignment happening yesterday.
This is weird. I just flipped the same screens that messed it up yesterday so the attributes were the same as your screens, and it worked!! No clue why but I have the custom screens, and it doesn't do the reboot loop. I dunno. Must have been some weird celestial alignment happening yesterday.

haha..well I'm glad it worked out in the end.

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