Start 50 recovery loop

Sep 15, 2022
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/hu.png" alt="Hungary" /> Hungary
TomTom Model(s)
Start 50
Hi everyone.

After a map update, it restarted and went to the red cross icon.
The mydrive started to repair, but the % went from 0 to 100% in half a sec. No repair made, navigation restarts and come back to the red cross icon.
The log when the % is jumping, is strange. I see 404 return code(most of the times, file not found)
|20|Debug|ProxyRequest:: ProxyRequest|setting proxy to hostname
2022-09-14 19:37:12.259|20|Debug|ProxyRequest:: ConnectToHost|Host:
2022-09-14 19:37:12.259|20|Debug|ProxyRequest:: ConnectToHost|ssl protocol is : 7
2022-09-14 19:37:12.259|20|Debug|ProxyRequest:: onStateChanged|state:HostLookup socket:-1
2022-09-14 19:37:12.611|20|Debug|ProxyRequest:: onStateChanged|state:Connecting socket:-1
2022-09-14 19:37:12.611|20|Debug|ProxyRequest:: onHostFound|Host found socket -1
2022-09-14 19:37:12.656|20|Debug|ProxyRequest:: onStateChanged|state:Connected socket:-1
2022-09-14 19:37:12.656|10|Information|ProxyChannel:: onSocketConnected|
2022-09-14 19:37:12.656|10|Information|ProxyChannel:: onSocketConnected|Send HTTP request
2022-09-14 19:37:12.656|20|Debug|ProxyRequest::Send|0|GET, bytes: 128/128; body read: -1%; body written: -1%
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyThrottler::Read|0|bytes available:400
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyRequest::GetHeaderLine|index 1 0 index 2 22
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyRequest::GetHeaderLine|index 1 341 index 2 359
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyRequest::GetHeaderLine|index 1 -1 index 2 -1
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyRequest::InspectResponse|length:20
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|10|Information|ProxyThrottler::Read|Status code is: 404
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyThrottler::Read|0|bytes read:400
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyThrottler::Read|0|BytesWritten|400
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyThrottler::Read|0|remaining bytes to write|400
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyThrottler::Read|0|Bytes to write|400
2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyThrottler::Read|0|Closing request

2022-09-14 19:37:12.744|20|Debug|ProxyChannel:: onConnectionDropped|connection dropped, status code 404, password required 0, authentication tries 0

|20|Debug|RelayAgent::GetProxyStatus|<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><proxystatus percentage="10000" bytesToDownload="0" bytesDownloaded="0"/>

Video about the update:

What do you think?
I can attach the full log if someone can do something with that.

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