Spurious speed camera subscription charged

May 29, 2011
Earlier today I received a Paypal message informing me that £2.99 had been paid to TomTom. Shortly after, in came an email advising me to connect my device in order to download a speed camera update. Later, I received a somewhat triumphant message, telling me "how we have streamlined our service to your convenience" and that my monthly speed camera subscription will remain active at £2.99 per month.
The problem is that I have not ordered this subscription!
I have removed TomTom from my authorised payees in my Paypal settings; and I have started the dispute resolution system in order to address the issue of this morning's payment. (It seems that TomTom had kept (without my permisssion) my Paypal details because in February of this year I made a one-off purchase ... this is a matter of some concern to me).
Has anyone else had expeience of this sort of thing?
Welcome to TomTomForums.

This is the very first time that I have heard of such an instance.
Do you have a copy of or did you make screen prints of you February transaction.

Usually, TomTom made annual subscriptions, paid quarteyly or monthly.
Welcome to TomTomForums.

This is the very first time that I have heard of such an instance.
Do you have a copy of or did you make screen prints of you February transaction.

Usually, TomTom made annual subscriptions, paid quarteyly or monthly.
I have a copy of the info. but I have this in Word or HTML format, which are not accepted for upload. Should I try to copy to a pdf?
You can copy and paste the Word text info here, but a PDF would no doubt bring better information along (any graphics, etc.)

Here's a couple of support links to try. During the current viral situation, they're not doing phone support.

United Kingdom

Monday - Friday: 09.00 AM - 05.30 PM BST
Saturday - Sunday: Closed


You can copy and paste the Word text info here, but a PDF would no doubt bring better information along (any graphics, etc.)

Here's a couple of support links to try. During the current viral situation, they're not doing phone support.

United Kingdom

Monday - Friday: 09.00 AM - 05.30 PM BST
Saturday - Sunday: Closed


I wonder if that 02-02-2020 purchase included an ongoing subscription for updates?
Let us know what UK chat (or email) says.
After a lengthy (~3 hrs) queue I managed to communicate via Chat. The explanation was "It is the speed camera auto renew services which are activated on the account" and it was indeed the one-off subscription that had "activated the speed camera auto-renew".
So, it seems that if,during the three-month gap following the end of the one-off period, no action to prevent renewal is taken, the "system" auto-renews. I am not, however, aware of any facility in the system to facilitate renewal prevention - I do not think one can cancel a subscription unless/until one already exists!
I think this a dubious trading practice; but in light of the small sum involved, I have decided to take the July download already paid for; and to cancel the monthly subscription that had been "auto" set up in my TomTom account. As previously stated I have removed the TomTom authorisation from my Paypal account, to avoid the possibility of any future unsolicited charges.
I think that there is some potential learning here - if ending a subscription for a TomTom service, it might be wise to ensure that payment authorisation via Paypal, credit card, etc is withdrawn.
Thanks for letting everyone know to be watching for this!

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