Sound quality inadequate using mobile hands free

May 30, 2011
I love my GoLive 750 but find that the sound quality isn't very good when I'm making a hands-free phone call through the unit.

Is it possible to use an 'Active Dock Traffic RDS-TMC' to play the call through my car stereo? Can I connect this dock to the audio connect cable that fits to the back of my car stereo and, if so, does anyone know what plugs or sockets it uses?

I need to know before I splash out another ?50.

I found this thread by mikealder which might give a better solution:

Have a look at a device called iO-Play as that offers exactly what you want in terms of functionality, you pair both the TomTom and your phone to it and it handles all the audio via the cars speaker system and it has it's own microphone. I have been using this accessory for nearly two years and it's never let me down, I gave up using the TomTom for hands free use after a number of crashes (of the TomTom not the car) it's simply too unreliable. In addition phone calls can only be routed via the TomToms built in speaker which isn't very good if the radio is blasting out, the iO unit mutes the radio during a call as well as the nav instructions, it returns back to the car radio/ CD post call or after a nav instruction.
Try a search on this forum for iO-Play and you should find a thread where I detailed fitting the unit to my car, I can't provide a direct link at the moment as I am mobile away from the PC, what model of car and year is it as you will probably need an addapter cable but these are easy to obtain from e-bay or even let Halfords fit it to your car. The unit retails at ?150 fitted by Halfords but can be found for under ?50 on e-bay, I recently purchased one for a mate and it was ?46 include postage - Mike

Mike, I couldn't locate your thread where you detailed fitting the iO-Play to your car. When you've got a moment...

You can find it Here (note there is a copy on this web site as well but I can't find the link at the moment!) - Mike
None of the TomTom products or accessory mounts will route phone call audio through the car speakers. The RDS-TMC "Active" dock you linked to offers an audio line connection (3,5MM or 1/8" socket depending upon which side of the "Pond" you live) but it isn't possible to route the phone audio through this connection.

The iO-Play unit lets you pair (and connect) two device at the same time, your phone will use the Hands free profile (HFP) and the TomTom will connect via Bluetooth using the A2DP Bluetooth protocol.

For reliable handsfree you would be hard pushed to beat this accessory, having two devices connected at once is rather unique.

It will work with your 750 although you should be aware you will answer calls via the iO-Play as the TomTom won't have anything to do with the phone when the iO-Play is set up correctly (a blessing in its self when it comes to reliable phone conversation).

I still use my iO unit daily, either for music from the iPhone, phone calls and navigation instructions, works a treat and I am still very happy with it. When I change the car the wife drives next week the new vehicle will be getting an iO-Play fitted, if nothing else but for the handsfree and/ or music from her phone, sat nav audio if/ when she needs a unit in the car. They can be found for under ?50 new on e-bay if you keep your eye out for a bargain, the one going in Jills car cost ?46 including delivery - Mike

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