Services Started by TomTom Home

Dec 30, 2007
Ottawa, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Hi I am still suffering from TomTom Home not running correctly on Vista. This has been an ongoing problem for a while now. TT support have given me a band-aid solution in the form of a batch file, but I would really like to get things working properly. TT support don't seem to be interested in providing further assistance :mad:

Every time I run TTHOME I get a

TomTomHomeRuntime.exe failed with error 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

Would someone running Vista please check to see what sevices TomTom Home installs and runs please?

The only one I have is TomTom Home Service for ejecting devices


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That's the only service I have on an XP.

Have you tried running TomTom Home in XP compatible mode?
Running in XP compatibility mode brings up TomTomHome OK, EXCEPT it will not recognise the SD card, so all I can do is view/use/load stuff on the internal drive.

Thanks for checking the services.

Yup, it's an 8GB SDHC card, works fine in the TT and if I start home up using the following .bat file

cd "%ProgramFiles%\TomTom HOME 2"
xulrunner\HOMERuntime.exe -app xul\application.ini

both the TT and the SD Card are recognised and selectable. :confused:

Hi I am still suffering from TomTom Home not running correctly on Vista. This has been an ongoing problem for a while now. TT support have given me a band-aid solution in the form of a batch file, but I would really like to get things working properly. TT support don't seem to be interested in providing further assistance :mad:

Every time I run TTHOME I get a

TomTomHomeRuntime.exe failed with error 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

Would someone running Vista please check to see what sevices TomTom Home installs and runs please?

The only one I have is TomTom Home Service for ejecting devices



i have been running on vista 64 bit since the 920's started on sale. for over a year. I have to tell you that so far their has been no problems with tomtom home or any of tomtoms updates I have a small software program called Driver detective that shows you any conflicts and possible updates for anything in your computer. I don't kow if this would help but something is really wrong since I am using vista 64 with no problems.

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