second hand 7100 pro truck

i am still looking into this as i am trying to get the unit reset for you. should have an answere back by end of play today.
i have bought a 7100 pro truck and it requires PIN code of 9 letters ; the problem is that it is a second hand thing (i have bougt it by judicial auctions) ; the ancient owner told me to contact Tomtom website who will unlock it and resolve the problem. As i cant see any phone number support for my country (France) i write here to get some help.
ps ; scuse my poor english
Thanks for help

French customer support for the PRO series is here:
After a month, i have no news. I want to say to Tomtom society they are incompetents, liars and thiefs. I hope their society will crash very soon. So there can be justice in this world.

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