Route Stop vs Route Modification

Aug 8, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
GO 52
Recently I purchased a TomTom GO 52. The TomTom forum and the TomTom User Manual 17.1 were helpful. With these sources I pieced together a route for a trip we want to take later this year.

A forum user named ATB explained the distinction between Planning a Route, Changing a Route, and Adding a Stop. When you wish to change a route ATB advised the following:

• When you want to add a “guidance stop,” zoom into the location and don’t:

» put the modification point on the wrong side of a freeway

» put the modification point on a side-road

» put the modification point on a traffic island, always place the guidance stop (aka modification point) up road on the route after the traffic island exit.

Enclosed are notes I used to plan our vacation route. Adding a regular stop is straightforward, but changing a route using a modification point is more complicated. First, I found a longitude/latitude point using my wife’s Smartphone. I entered the lon/lat point into TomTom (see notes). Then, to get the lon/lat point at an appropriate place I had to "waggle" the point by changing the coordinates many times then looking at the map each time. This worked, but if there were a way to move the lat/lon icon on the map by simply dragging it, the procedure would be much easier.

Perhaps TomTom can use my notes to present practical examples in the next iteration of their manual. I hope this information provides TomTom with feedback that will improve its products and help other TomTom users

TomTom Traveling Locations and Instruction Index

Port Angeles, WA 98362 Quality Inn 101 E 2nd St 360-457-9434

Cheyenne, WY 82007 Comfort Inn201 W Fox farm Rd 307-514-6051

Boise Idaho 83705 Comfort Inn 3625 W Elder St 208-342-1075


Topeka, KS to Lincoln, NE 2h 49min 167.7 mi

Lincoln, NE to Cheyenne, WY 6h 35min 443 mi

Total 9h 24min 610.7 mi

Cheyenne, WY to Boise, ID 10h 58min 735.2 mi

Boise, ID to Port Angeles, WA 10h 13min 621.6 mi

TIP Power TomTom using your Phone Charger instead of connecting it to a computer

1. Plan a route using Step-by-step search p 76 (TomTom Go User Manual 17.1)

•••• Drive To


98362 Port Angeles WA

E 2nd St




•••• Recent Destination

101 E 2nd St, Port Angeles WA, USA

Add to My Places



2. Changing your route

See Latitude and Longitude

•••• Current Route

Add Stop to Route


Latitude Longitude

40.898 -96.605
Press the Drop-Down text next to the Globe icon. You might have to zoom in or out to see the map. The icon with the Globe on it is a bit south and east of where we want it. Click on the Keyboard icon and try the coordinates 40.897 -96.610, then click on “Unnamed road” in the drop-down.

For more accuracy, press the Keyboard icon and enter 40.898 -96.654, then click on 40.898

-96.654 in the drop-down.

In map view, the location point 40.897999N 96.653999W appears next to the globe icon. This is not the best location point, but notice the Flag icon is positioned in the middle of I80 WB/US 77 SB. This is a good point, in other words when our car reaches this location TomTom should automatically “lock onto” the next stop in our travel route.

Press Add

TomTom recalculates and modifies route WC01 to pass through the point I80 WB/US77 SB. Now, add the “modification location” to My Places.

•••• My Places → Recent Destination → I 80 WB, NE, Lincoln NE (Lancaster)

Add to My Places



•••• Current Route

Add Stop to Route


Latitude Longitude

46.60 -122.90

15 NB/US12 WB

•••• My Places

15 NB/US12 WB, WA, Chehalis

Add to My Places



2 a Latitude and Longitude

Latitude: The equator has a latitude of 0° and the north and south poles have latitudes ±90° respectively.

Longitude East ↔ positive West ↔ negative

On Google Maps enter a city or town at a location along your travel route right-click a point and choose “What’s Here?” Application shows coordinates 40.897661 -96.604685, in other words N40.897661 W96.604658. In TomTom you enter Latitude then Longitude. It seemed easier for me to round to 3 decimal places. So the Lat/Lon starting point is 40.898 -96.605. Also, if you lose sight of the TomTom map in relation to the Lat/Lon icon, zoom in and out to find the map.

3. Add a Stop p. 60

•••• Current Route → Add Stop to Route




Cheyenne WY (82007)

W Fox Farm Rd


Add Stop to Route

•••• My Places →Recent Destinations

201 W Fox Farm Rd, Cheyenne WY, USA

Add to My Places


•••• Current Route → Add Stop to Route




Boise ID

W Elder St



•••• My Places → Recent Destinations

3625 W Elder St, Boise ID, USA

Add to My Places



4. Clear and Change Current Route

•••• Current Route → Clear Route

•••• My Places → Recent destinations choose Wc01→ Drive

Delete Recent Destination

•••• Recent Destination → Edit List [•] WC01 [•] I80 WB, NE, Lincoln NE (Lancaster) → Delete

Delete from My Places

•••• My Places → Edit List [•] We01 → Delete Edit List [•] Wc02 → Delete

Fastest Route

•••• Settings → Route Planning → Always take fastest route

Reset Device

Deletes all your saved places and settings and restores the standard factory settings

•••• Settings → System → Reset device

Add a Stop

p. 60.......................................... 3

Changing your route

Add Stop to Route p. 93, 97..... 2

Delete a Route

Delete from Current My Places My Routes p. 105, 127 3

Delete Current Route.................... 3

Delete from My Places.................. 4

Delete Recent Destination

[•] means "Select"...................... 4

Fastest Route

p. 96.......................................... 4

Latitude Longitude...................... 3

Plan a route using Step-by-step search

p. 76.......................................... 2

Reset Device

Restore to Factory Settings p.... 4

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