Problems with up date

Jun 5, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
tom tom Go Live 1005 live camper & Caravan
Good afternoon, I hope that some one on this forum is able to help me with my Tom Tom Go Live 1005 camper and Caravan
satnav as the Customer support is of no help whatsoever
I did as requested and logged on to do the obligatory update and since then my unit will not work at all ( it worked perfectly before the update)

The screen freezes on the opening shot of a camper van and sometimes will go to the next screen but then shuts it self down, when connecting to the computer it will show connected but then the computer asks for it to be connected

I have tried Rebooting it and also as suggested held the button down until a black screen came on with white text and followed the instructions that were suggested my this site)
I have emailed and spoken several time to the support team but all they will say is that this unit is at end of life ( this is a new one on me) and that they are not interested sorting the problem out, but suggested that I seek help from the forum

The support team tells me that my unit must be corrupted and its nothing to do with their update, but as it was working fine prior to this then where would the corruption come from if not their site

Hoping that someone may be able to help
Many thanks



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