Problem with POIEdit

Sep 2, 2010
Essex, UK
TomTom Model(s)
GOViaLive,GO950Live GO1000Live X2, GO1005Live, GO400
A couple of years ago, I created a POI file for use on both my own devices and fellow members of a organisation & for TT users. It's been very popular, but it now needs updating with the current information. I just want to delete data which is not longer current and add updated data.

I have done something silly and I do not know how I did it or how to correct it.

On the POIEdit programme screen I have three columns - Name of the item (in this case it is a camp site, then two colums with the GPS locations - Lat and Long.
Somehow, I must have deleted the first line of the two coodinates and now each coordinate is one line too low.

Campsite A Lat 45.67424 Long -1.09619
Campsite B 43.45525 -1.58110

In fact the coordinates of B should rightly belong to Campsite A and so on down the full list of about 210 campsites.

How can I just delete the first set of coordinates to make all the rest move up one line?

I hope that is clear, but this is driving me potty. I do not want to have to retype all the lines again. Thanks..
Graham, there should be a way to do it but it would require a number of conversion steps. Start by highlighting all your POI's in POIEdit, then go to Edit/Copy. Next, paste into a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel) where you can then manipulate the date to the correct form by shifting down the rows. I'm not quite remembering the next steps, but I believe you would need to save the Excel data in .csv format which should be importable back into POIEdit.

Perhaps you could report back with any problems, suggestions, and successes.
Graham, there should be a way to do it but it would require a number of conversion steps. Start by highlighting all your POI's in POIEdit, then go to Edit/Copy. Next, paste into a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel) where you can then manipulate the date to the correct form by shifting down the rows. I'm not quite remembering the next steps, but I believe you would need to save the Excel data in .csv format which should be importable back into POIEdit.

Perhaps you could report back with any problems, suggestions, and successes.

That sounds like a good suggestion. Thanks. Will try that. Did try something similar with Notepad, but a spreasheet would seem the sensible way. Will try to report back in due course.
I'd suggest the same, but maybe instead of using copy/paste from POIEdit to get it into the spreadsheet, you could export the data from POIEdit as csv. The spreadsheet should be able to import that.

Both methods will probably work though!
Thank you both. I meddled with the suggestion last night and either I was too tired or just incompetant - in any case I got the file into a right old mess.

Woke up this morning with a better idea!

I downloaded the original file from TT's web site (the file I had uploaded a couple of years ago) and used that to start completely afresh. So now I have the original file to work on and update for 2012.
Thanks to Win Explorer and Home2 !!!

Sometimes going to bed on a problem gets solved by itself whilst one is asleep. Must remember to get more sleep!:lol:
Graham, we're happy you were able to resolve the issue. Nothing like a good night's sleep to solve life's problems! Having access to your original list made the whole process simpler.

If you have the inclination to try the other solution(s) for next time the file gets messed up in some way, we'd be curious to know how that works for you.

Anyway, thanks for the report. Always nice to have feedback!
If you have the inclination to try the other solution(s) for next time the file gets messed up in some way, we'd be curious to know how that works for you.

I will certainly have a go as soon as I get time and then report back.
I use Archiescampings for campsites:-

Splitting them as 'Best deal', 'Camping cheque', 'Camping card ACSI' ,for out-of-season in Europe and 'All Europe'.

Also, I don't all Archie's sites are good, but do check on any that are not there.
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I use Archiescampings for campsites:-

Splitting them as 'Best deal', 'Camping cheque', 'Camping card ACSI' ,for out-of-season in Europe and 'All Europe'.

Also, I don't all Archie's sites are good, but do check on any that are not there.

Yes, I too use those, but the ones I am producing are for specialist use, and I have only made them available to the public on the TT web site. I am a Caravan site inspector and visit sites in Central Europe inspecting these sites and have many colleagues doing the same. The full list which is updated annually are inspected yearly and the POIs help my colleagues in easily locating the sites.

As far as the importing of the csv list to a spreadsheet is concerned, I have utterly failed to manage it as each time I try, either nothing happens or I get a completely corrupt list.
As I have found a workaround (see my post above), I will not waste any more time on it. Thanks anyway, everyone for the interest and suggestions.

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