Please need help ASAP with TT 720 GO.

Aug 4, 2009
My TT 720 won't just start. I have charged it the whole night. When I put it on the doc the green light lights up indicating that it's charging. But when I try to turn it on, it doesn't turn on. I have tried the resetting button as well, but had no luck with it. I need to travel soon and need it to get to work asap. Can someone please help?
What does it do when you connect it to your computer? Is the device recognized and show up as an external drive. Does Home fire up?
Well, try the obvious things: Use a different USB cable, try a different USB port (preferably on the back of the PC).

And what happens when connected to the car charger?

If the unit is dead after trying all these things, may be time to look for a new unit.
Most probable is the car charger has gone to full voltage and fried the PCB ower inout stage resulting in no charge, once the battery is depleted it won't start up, note the green LED will still illuminate but nothing gets through to power the unit up or charge the battery.

Second probable is a dead battery dragging the charger voltage down preventing the unit switching on, batteries can be changed with a little work, there is guide at the top of this forum section.

Take the back off the device and look at the PCB near the mini USB socket, do any components look fried? if not try a new battery, if fire damaged get a new unit and throw the old car charger away so it doesn't damage anything else - Mike
Keep your gps in the dock, try to turn it on by press and hold the power button for 3, 5, or even 15" and see what happens.
I have tried everything you guys said and had no luck. So my assumption is that the battery is damaged due to over charging. But how can I replace the battery? Thank you all for your help.
Have a read of This Thread as it contains full instructions on what you need to do.
I would try opening the device by taking the back off then have a good look at the PCB for signs of burn damage, also give it a good "sniff" test as you can usually tell straight away when these units have fried, if it all looks clear change the battery for a new one - Mike
I have identical problem I think it was fine after removing from car but ran down battery after ?. will check other threads but is there a indicton of what a charged battery should read on a multi meter ? Unit is about a year old . has been on PC charger for 5 hours still no start .Off to check recommended thread!
I have identical problem I think it was fine after removing from car but ran down battery after ?. will check other threads but is there a indication of what a charged battery should read on a multi meter ? Unit is about a year old . has been on PC charger for 15 hours - still no start .

Multi meter would be very difficult to use I find as the connectors are very close

Want to take the back off but my unit uses damn Torx screws so need to find the right size !WRBL

Any battery supply sites in Canada recommended?

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