Help please I need a New Map Rider 2

May 7, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Hi, as you will see I am new here & have joined to seek info on buying a new map.
Having read several threads I am concerned that it seems very complictated & full of pitfalls.
So I have decided to join the forum & post up to ask for help please.
The tomtom is fine at the mo & I think the map is on ths 2 gb SD card, Is this where they are stored?
Will my device take a newer map?
I know I need an update because newer roads are missing.
Its says that its a 2GB western & central europe map on the device but there is no version or date I can see?
I only need UK mapping, do I need a new card?
I am frightened of exceeding the memory or loosing functions or the whole thing freezing solid?
Advice much appreciated, cheers Nige
Thank you for that, I have read the instructions but there is nothing on the update process.
If I use the link you sent - how do I get the map from the PC to the tomtom unit / card I assume I down load it to desktop & then copy to the card or something?
PLEASE can someone offer some straightforward guideance & step by step instruction on how to buy & install a new map.
Nothing so far works.
I have got a new 2GB sandisk card which the sat nav tells me to remove as soon as i put it in - why?
I cant back up the tom tom without a card in as the home page says I should. With the card it says I need an update with the old card it doesn't!!??
when I go to buy a map it says there are none available!!
There is little wonder I'm still running an old out of date map!!
I've spend hours on this on google, the home page & here on this to no avail :-(
This Tomtom wasn't cheap & is now obsolete because its so difficult to update.
So I'd be ever so gratefull for some help if anyone can PLEASE.
I feel real upset as if someone has deliberately made this complicated so I give up.
Why have tomtom made this so difficult with so many problems, do they think/hope people will just buy another tomtom with a new map instead?
Any help gratefuly received.
OK. Let's start at step one.

Do you have TomTom Home loading and running on your PC?
If so, see Post #4. Let us know when you get that far and what happens.
The one above where dhn suggests you try "Add Maps" using Home.
OK. That means there is nothing on the PC that can be moved to your unit.

What dhn did by having you pick up a new card is to avoid overwriting anything on the original card. While possibly outdated, the full Europe map may still be useful to you down the road.

Now, with Home open, do you see the "Purchase Maps" option? As I understand what's happening here, you'd like a 'fresh' UK map without the added expense of the entire European set. What we're going to try to do is purchase a new UK-only map and get it loaded on your new and empty SD card.
I will have the same map again if its easier? but have no plans to go europe.
Ad soon as I put the new SD card the tomtom screen shows it being removed.
when I go to home site with it in it wants to update software & yet I just did all the updates suggested?
OK so not much joy in the end, I managed to upload a new map before my holiday but had to overite the map card & worked out how eventualy after a bit of google time.
It would have been useful & saved me lots of time if somewhere in the instructions it explained that the Map is stored on the SD card & is updated online via tomtom site whilst in the sat nav.
Any way having got the New map, I wish I hadn't bothered it still has lots & lots of mistakes - juntion changes, speed limits - oneway streets etc etc.
Thanks Guys for trying to help, Saving now for a bike Garmin with the new lifetime map update, Cheers Nige

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