MyTomTom on 2 pcs?

Aug 8, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
1435, xl330
Can I have MyTomTom for one device on 2 pcs? I bought a 1435 for my daughter and want to get it setup before giving it to her. But then she'll want to have MyTomTom on her pc as well. Is that a problem for a single GPS, in getting updates, etc?
No problem with updates. On both PC's, using the MyTomTom application, you will need to log in with the same email address and password when the device is connected. Beyond that, the whole process is 'portable'.

If you need the application for those PC's, you can find it here:
Thanks. Nice that you can login from any pc.

Another question then: can I have MyTomTom and TomTomHOME co-exist?
Thanks. Nice that you can login from any pc.

Another question then: can I have MyTomTom and TomTomHOME co-exist?
No problem.

The one area of potential conflict that you have to be careful about is attempting to register two different devices at the same e-mail address.

Make sure that each TomTom GPS is registered at a different e-mail address.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
Thanks. Nice that you can login from any pc.

Another question then: can I have MyTomTom and TomTomHOME co-exist?
No problem.

The one area of potential conflict that you have to be careful about is attempting to register two different devices at the same e-mail address.

Make sure that each TomTom GPS is registered at a different e-mail address.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
I have 2 tomtoms now and have ordered # 3 VIA 135, and i read that thay still have to be reg on different mail adr, isent TOMTOM moving forword. ? what is the problem to have even 5 on the same mail adr. even if they where the same type. ?
This is so "1999" :rant:

and do i understand that the mail adr dont have to be a real one ?
The core issue is that each device has to have a different ACCOUNT NAME.

The fact that the account name is in the form of an email address is secondary to that....

ANY text in the format '[email protected]' will work as an acceptable account name (or '' '.org' etc.) it doesn't have to be a REAL email address.

The only times I think it becomes useful to use a genuine email address are:

1. If you buy certain add-ons such as a voice from TomTom I believe you get a verification code via email.
2. If you forget your password, the reminder will be sent by email

However, I think both of those can be sorted out with a quick call to customer services instead.


But most ISPs now give you quite a large number of additional email addresses, so is it too much of a problem?

I think mine gives me a dozen or more and if you have a domain name then I think you can use any text you like as the first part of the address.
I just have an ordinary internet account (no domain name), but I'm still able to use a few spare addresses as account names.

To make it easy to remember which is which, I use the the model name as part of the address, such as "[email protected]" and "[email protected]"

I don't think I've EVER bothered to see if I've got any emails sent to those addresses (if I did look, it would probably just be adverts from TomTom and junk mail ...)
Thanks, and OK, but still this is a bit out of date, "1999", i have a domene, and can easy make 50 mail adr, but it is a lot easier to it al from one mail adr.
But thanks for explaning.
i se you have 7 , and if you are useing them al you need to remeber 7 different mail adr. which goes to which, if you started out with a system then OK, but no one told me that this was the case when i loged in the first one, i only found out when i got the second one, :)
Have a nice day in UK.
My first unit DID use my real email address. I was just like everyone else and didn't know any different.

But that one got fried by being plugged into a known bad power supply, so I had to get another.
By that time I had got involved in the user forums and some kind soul had explained it all to me, so I could start using descriptive names.

If it's any help to anyone, I also have a Firefox add-on called "InformEnter", which is really useful.
You can save any text string into a list which is accessible with a right mouse-click, so as well as being great to fill in your name and address etc. any webforms, it's also great for quickly entering TomTom account names into Home or MyTomtom with a single click.

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