Help with MyTomTom

Sep 4, 2006
Miami Beach FL, New York NY and London UK
TomTom Model(s)
Android apps.
Clicking the MyTomTom icon in the XP system tray brings up a display box different from what I expected to find. It says that my TomTom Via 1500 is up to date. I believe my device is up to date but it is a Start 25 and not a Via 1500. Also I am offered only Setings, Close and Exit. I wanted to use the Community Content facility to transfer some POI files but that option is absent. Any suggestions?
I'll take a stab at one of your questions. I believe the American VIA 1500 is the same as the European Start 25. If your location is the UK I believe that is why it's being identified as a Start. You *should* be able to just ignore that ID and all should be OK. If you check in on an American site, does it ID it as a Via?
You got it right, Alfie. In North America, it's called the Via 1500, and Start 25 elsewhere. FWIW, the Start 20 is the Via 1400 here.

The bigger problem is that the OP isn't seeing the "Add Community Content" as an available choice.

To the OP: With your device connected and your browser running, I'd like you to try out this URL and see what happens:

You should see several folders there that could hold personal (aka Community content) information.

Also, from the systray MyTomTom, go ahead and click on "My TomTom". Does it show you as logged in under your TomTom account in the upper right corner?

LAST: You DID use a new and unique email account for your new Start 25, and not one that you had already used on one of your prior units, correct?
Thanks and it was nothing to do with email or unique account - my device was updating okay and showed it had a Lifetime maps subscription. I did an uninstall and fresh install of MyTomTom and now all is working just the way it says on the tin.
To the OP: With your device connected and your browser running, I'd like you to try out this URL and see what happens:
I just tried this and it is remarkable. All the listed folders are empty except for pois/ which has all of my personal POI category ov2 and bmp files. So I dusted off my old WebDrive and mapped that web page to a drive letter and I am now able to copy files back and forth using my XTree-life file manager.

Many thanks.

Any idea how to get read/write privilages to any of the folders above personal? That would get us much of what we have lost since the older Home compatible devices.
Nope. Afraid that part isn't going to happen. Your TomTom is acting as a server, and you won't even get read privs to anything above that part of the file structure.

Just fer grins, you can also use the following to review your device configuration, if of help for any reason down the road. There are a couple of others, but too obscure to be of value:
Nope. Afraid that part isn't going to happen. Your TomTom is acting as a server, and you won't even get read privs to anything above that part of the file structure.
I hear you. But I also see a null byte length file named which is ripe with mystery and promise. One must wonder what other values the name of that flag might take and what those might do but I am too chicken to test as I'd hate to brick my Start 25.
Just fer grins, you can also use the following to review your device configuration, if of help for any reason down the road. There are a couple of others, but too obscure to be of value:
Thanks for that one too.
Curious point ...

When you used WebDrive, how did you get past the username/password that the TomTom usually throws up when you attempt access, even to the url that provides you with access?


  • Login.jpg
    28.4 KB · Views: 615
I hear you. But I also see a null byte length file named which is ripe with mystery and promise. One must wonder what other values the name of that flag might take and what those might do but I am too chicken to test as I'd hate to brick my Start 25.
If I recall correctly, that flag file identifies only whether you have allowed for 'information sharing' on your unit.
Curious point ...

When you used WebDrive, how did you get past the username/password that the TomTom usually throws up when you attempt access, even to the url that provides you with access?
If you have access to the directory and files under HTTP: then WebDrive does not need any further authentication - it just translates the HTTP: access to commands and responses familiar to Windows Explorer and other programs that access Windows files.

I also see that the device is running an SSH server on port 22 (SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.52) and when I try to connect I am greeted by "login as: " but I don't know the username or passwords it will accept.
Interesting. When I use the native Windows approach to linking to a url, it seems to go after the IP address (without going any deeper) first, which causes the unit to throw back an auth request at Windows. I don't have a copy of WebDrive, and it's pretty pricey stuff.

Yup, SSH it is. TT has been very busy trying to keep our fingers out of these units. I've often wondered about a 'man in the middle' approach...

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