My TomTom Problem (cannot stop map download)

Apr 4, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
VIA 1530TM
My TomTom web site will not stop downloading a map and I can find no way to stop it. Even if I close it it will not stop downloading. I finally had to uninstall the program to stop it.

Anyone know how to stop the download?

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It is a map update. I get free lifetime maps for my VIA 1530TM. I was trying to get the software update to fix the GPS signal problem. Software besides the map did install (which by the way was not even identified) but I still cannot get a GPS signal. I do not want the map update installed at this time.

TomTom has taken all control of this device away from the customer and I am not too happy about it.
If you call CS at 866-486-6866 and ask for 2nd level support, they should be able to cancel the job assigned to your unit. First level support most likely won't have the tools or awareness to accomplish this.

Once you dl the new application, did you drum reboot the unit outside the house and in a clear area? Being outside when rebooting seems to be the key for some to get the fix to work.
Thanks dhn for your help. I will call the number.

I got the GPS signal back. The problem was that when I rebooted I did not hold button until I heard the drums. I should have read the instructions more carefully. What does a "drum" reboot actually do?
It resets the unit. A normal on/off just puts the unit into sleep mode but certain information is retained.

Just like your computer. Turning it off and on clears out stuff than norma sleep or hibernation mode doesn't.
When you were first offered the new software update and the map, wasn't there a tickbox next to the map which you could have unticked?
As recommended by dhn I contacted level 2 support and they could not help me with stopping the map download. I was informed that the only way to stop the download was to uninstall My TomTom, which I had already figured out. The problem is that when you install it anew, it continues to download where it left off, you do not even half to open the My TomTom program.

I also have other issues resulting from installing the GPS signal fix which I was forced to do in order to get it working again. I may just return the device to Costco.

TomTom has surely taken all control of this device away from the user. I have to assume that all your travel and bluetooth information is being downloaded when you connect the device to your computer.
TomTom has surely taken all control of this device away from the user.....

That wouldn't be SO bad if they could control it themselves!
We know that's possible, but your experiences show they haven't grasped the need to allow their own customer services people to do that.

I have a similar situation at the moment with a Go1005 that has been sitting completely stuck halfway through an 8 minute download (or upload ;)). Re-booting the TomTom or re-starting MyTomTom just brings it back to exactly the same condition.(but now as 4 mins. and no % done indication)
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I thought I would add the undesirable changes that I have to my device since I downloaded the GPS signal "fix". These all pertain to 2D view, which I generally use.

The colors have changed and it's hard to see the streets on the map. I have found no way to change colors in 2D view. The name of the street you are on which used to be just above the status bar is gone. The name of the street you will turning onto next is no longer there. The map will no longer automaticlly zoom in at intersections. When you enter a new destination and it shows a map of the whole route and you press the "done" button, it will no longer automaticlly zoom in to your starting location. You have to do it manually.

When I pointed the above out to customer service, they could only tell me that that's the way it is with the update.

I finally gave up trying to stop the map download and let it download fully to my computer. I then connected my device to my computer and the map was installed to the device without any input from me.
Hang on a min....
I don't have a Via model in front of me, so I can't say categorically that you should still have all those features, but I do have a fully updated "Start 25"(which is supposedly a "lesser" model) to try.
Now, if the options are on a Start, I'd like to think at least SOME of them are still somewhere on a Via....

The colors have changed and it's hard to see the streets on the map. I have found no way to change colors in 2D view.

To change my map colours, I go to Settings, Map colours...
The first screen changes the day colour for 3D view, the second is night colour for 3D view, the third is day colour for 2D view, the fourth is night colour for 2D view.
Do you not have those options pages?

Are you getting confused by the 2D map view when "Traffic" is selected to show? That has it's own very bleached out colour scheme, but deselect traffic in the options at the bottom and your normal colour schemes come back

The name of the street you are on which used to be just above the status bar is gone. The name of the street you will turning onto next is no longer there.
Both of these are set in Settings Advanced settings (Show "street names" and "next street name"

The map will no longer automaticlly zoom in at intersections. When you enter a new destination and it shows a map of the whole route and you press the "done" button, it will no longer automaticlly zoom in to your starting location. You have to do it manually.

This is also in advanced settings (a later screen) "Enable automatic zooming in 2D view" and "Enable automatic zooming in 3D view".

As you seem to be missing so many menu screens I know you have a 2-button "Easy menu" model and the Start 25 isn't, but are you on one of the models that has an option to only show all or only some of the menus?

When I pointed the above out to customer service, they could only tell me that that's the way it is with the update.
I wouldn't trust them to know their donkey from their elbow....

In summary, at a stretch I could be convinced they may have dropped the auto-zoom setting, but I'd be amazed if the current and next street names had been ditched on a Via.

I was able to change color in 2D view but the other items I mentioned in 2D view will still not work. I was aware of the boxes to check in "advanced settings".

Not sure what you mean by selecting traffic to show. I Could not find it.
What happened is that when the new code was loaded, your unit defaulted to the color scheme that is set up as the 'default' in the code. This can be tweaked to taste using Settings / Map colors. You should be able to separately set day and night color schemes in both 2D and 3D mode. My own preference for a day color (both 2D and 3D) is Atlantica.

Ooops .. .didn't see that we were already on Page 2. Guess that was redundant, eh?
Here is the response I got when I emailed TomTom tech support re the loss of street names in 2D view:

Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support. My name is (removed) and we are always happy to help.

I understand that the street names are not shown under 2D map view but available in the 3D view. I understand the importance of the feature for you.

Please rest assured that I will provide the necessary information in this regard.

We regret to inform you that the feature to show street names in 2D view has been removed with the latest app 11.030. This has been done to incorporate new features in the device.

To incorporate new features, some of the old, unpopular features were removed. We do apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

However, we value your suggestions for improvements to our products. Suggestions are gathered and organized to understand the areas our customers are most interested in enhancing. Our Product Managers review all feedback to determine future enhancements and products. Many of our current products and updates offer features based on customer suggestions. I will surely forward your suggestion to our Product Development Team and you can expect browse as text on 2 button interface in near future; we do not have an estimated time of when they will be released. Please check the TomTom website regularly for any updates.

We want you to know that, we will be there for you and we do value you as a customer.

Note that auto zooming is also gone in 2D view. I do not know what "browse as text on 2 button interface" means. Can someone tell me what it means?
Is it just me or does the wording of these "stock replies" from TomTom make everyone's blood boil?

we are always happy to help.
I understand the importance of the feature for you.
Please rest assured that I will provide the necessary information in this regard.
We want you to know that, we will be there for you and we do value you as a customer.

etc. etc.
All these appear on EVERY reply from TT customer services and they USUALLY then go on to say:

We regret to inform you that the feature xyz has been removed


This has been done to incorporate new features in the device.

WHAT new features????

To incorporate new features, some of the old, unpopular features were removed.

Unpopular to WHO?

Jeez, I despair of TomTom now.

Can you reply and say those features are essential to you and that you only bought the unit because of them? Ask how you can revert to the software that provides them.... I'd be interested to see their reply.

I do not know what "browse as text on 2 button interface" means. Can someone tell me what it means?

The "2-button interface" is what you have as your main menu. Two buttons rather than the six of a full-function menu.

"Browse as text" USUALLY refers to the ability to look at a planned route as a list of written instructions.
On my models you get to it by tapping the bottom right corner of the status bar, then selecting "Details" and you can then choose: Browse as text, Browse as images, Browse map of route, Show route demo, Show route summary.
Once a route is established and the 2D screen shows the route, there should be an 'options' button on the bottom of the screen. Press that and one choice is 'Browse as text'. This will show you the step by step routing that the planned route takes.
I will reply Andy as you suggested. Also, note that this device is taking a real beating on Amazon reviews. Interesting that TomTom blames the software problem on a "third party".
Here are the new features that I was informed by TomTom are in the latest update:

The following are the new features that were incorporator in the app 11.030:

# The Speed Cameras service has the following improvements:

* You are now warned about speed cameras with new, clearer icons.
* You can now report and delete speed cameras with one touch.
* You can now confirm that a speed camera is still there.
* When driving in an average speed check zone, your average speed is now displayed.

# If your navigation device has a memory card slot, you can now install your maps on a memory card.

# You can now install multiple POI files or POI categories on your navigation device using a ZIP file.

# The following improvements have been made to the user interface:

* Improved zoom icon
* Frequent destinations are now stored as favorites automatically
* In lists, 5 options are shown instead of 6, which makes selection easier at arm’s length
* The keyboard is redesigned to make interaction more user-friendly
* When planning a route to a favorite, you can add a favorite if none has been added previously

# When the device is connected to the charging cable in a car, the device will turn on and off with the car ignition.

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