multiple stops

Mar 15, 2009
hi everyone i am starting a delivery business and was wondering can i type in 10 or more different address in to the tomtom and will it organize them for me closest first

You can enter these as favorites and save them as such ; there is I believe a limit to the number of favorites that can be entered and saved , I dont know the number but I beleive that these addresses can also be saved as POI which should give you more leeway .
Not a way good enough to run a business. Consider laptop base GPS programs, if you have a laptop already you can usually find stuff for a computer cheaper anyway...
hi everyone i am starting a delivery business and was wondering can i type in 10 or more different address in to the tomtom and will it organize them for me closest first

Sorry but TomToms do not have that capability. Higher end Garmin models do, though.
Tomtom do have capable of planning your route through multiple stops (called waypoints) ahead of time but as for "closest first", Tomtom doesn't.

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