mp3-player alternative?

Jun 26, 2009

I use my Tomtom 930T on a daily basis, to listen to audio books in mp3-format. In my opinion the built in mp3 player really lack some very basic features that makes it very tedious to use...

* Time / Remaining time of an mp3-track..

* Fast forward / backward... yes, it is possible but why in these large steps? and without any time indication on the progress bar for the mp3 file, you don't know at all where you are in the track you are listening to..

Also, the Garmin I had before had some other features, such as showing the album art for the track and so on... I am very satistified with my new Tomtom 930, but the mp3-player is a BIG disappoinment.

Is there an alternative software that you can add to the device, or should I just hope for a software update that perhaps add these "features"?

Thanks a lot for this community forum!

/ Stefan
Take a browse through the 3rd party applications Forum. May find something there.
Take a browse through the 3rd party applications Forum. May find something there.

Yes, I have tried Tomtom Media Center - but that was a big disappointment. My intention was just to use it as a replacement for the mp3-player... but in that aspect it was worse than the one that is built in.

I don't know if many other have tried this, bit it was also very slooooooooow on my 930T.

Anybody that knows about a good media (mp3-player) that works better?

Thanks a lot!
How do you fast forward on the mp3 player? When I select it, it switches to the next song, instead of fast forwarding.
How do you fast forward on the mp3 player? When I select it, it switches to the next song, instead of fast forwarding.

You can press and hold the arrow button... You will need to hold it down a few seconds before anything happens, in my opinion it is almost impossible to navigate in an audio file using the mp3 player controls.

It is really hard to understand that a GPS-device built today can have such a horribly bad mp3-player. Yes, it plays mp3-files - but that is about what it does.

Also - there is still the problem with sound distortion when the sound is played using the FM transmitter, the volume level is locked at a level that is simply too high for most music, it works fine for audiobooks but when listening to music there is distortion all the time - making it impossible to listen to..

I REALLY like my Tomtom 930T but I was hoping to replace my Garmin without any regrets.
Not so... sadly..

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