Maps, price confused

Some people always want the newest map, regardless of changes in their local jurisdiction. My understanding is the UK road system changes all the time and indeed the TT maps don't always reflect those changes very well.

The next map (865) is due in a few weeks (mid February or close to it..) You seem to have waited this long. Perhaps hold off till then. If you don't require 4 map updates a year, don't bother with the update service.
ok so il go with the single update instead of update and update service.

question is though this new update which il wait for, will the sale last untill then?

by this i mean as current price for 1 update is 29.95 when the new map comes out as you say feb, will the price then go up to around 39.95 as standard,?
TT normally puts existing maps on sale for about 30% off starting about 6 weeks or so prior to the release of a newer map.

Can't read TT's minds so I don't know how long any sale price will stay in effect. ;)
If I'm reading you correctly, for an extra 10 pounds or so over the cost of one new map, you can get the new map AND the map service for a year, which even if you don't care about the next three updates, essentially means that by pre-paying you will get a new map again next year for 10 pounds. Seems like a good deal to me.

I'm trying to resist buying the service again myself for another week or two. I'm hoping it'll go on sale and offer 6 updates for the price of 4 again, but I want to get it up before the new map is released, or my update cost will go up.

im back again and wondering this

The next map (865) is due in a few weeks (mid February or close to it..) You seem to have waited this long. Perhaps hold off till then.

has this map come out yet? as i think il wait for it then buy it as i cant see the point of a extra ?10 pounds for 4 new maps a year that i dont really need,

Or does the system work like this.

If i get the latest map right NOW, and the update servicefor


Does this mean i get the CURRENT latest map, then 4 new maps after that,(does it automatically re subcripe or a one off payment for the service?)

Hopefully this clear as it rather confusing sinse if i got the ?39.60 offer doesnt that mean the latest map would last probally 2 weeks then the new map come and kinda seem like a waste of money .......why not just pay for update service ? or do u need the latest map before doing so?
The new map is due any day now.

The subscription series price is based upon two things:
1. The price charged to get your present map to the current map level (the older your map, the more to get to current)

2. Then, the cost for 4 more updates from the current map.
so on that, my question is

With the so called new map out any day now in UK, what should i do>?

Either buy it standalone


Buy the package deal now for ?36 with update to current map and 4 new maps


Wait till the new map comes out then do package deal?

My concern is this mainly.
If i got the package deal today then the new map comes out lets say 2 days time, this means then i will use up 1 of my 4 updates correct?

Seems a wasted deal if that would be the case as my so called new map would last 2-3 days before the updated map then takes over.

Hope this is clear.
So, wait a week or so before going for the subscription, but the cost to get to the then current (865) map will be higher.
yes i relise that it will be higher so thats why i asking for help lol.

Like i said if i did get the map+subcription for 12 months now(4 map updates) then when the new map comes out within the next week it means it will use up one of my 4 updates, just seems a waste.

So point being, is it still the best option to get the map update subcription now rather than later cost wise?
(even if it means my "new map" will only last a week before being updated)

also sometimes they have sales on with new maps so that another reson why i ask.
I don't think there is a right answer.

If you were to subscribe today, you'd need to get to 860 and yes, 865 would then be your 1st of four updates.

If you waited till 865 is out, it'll cost you more initially but then 870 will be your 1st update.

You decide..........
Just an aside, I'll mention that despite Tele-Atlas having it in their database for months, the current Tomtom map STILL does not the new traffic pattern on US1 in my area, nor does it have a new exit off of I287, both of which have been completed for years now. It's very disappointing. It'll interesting to see the state of the 'personal navigation' market when my current map sub expires next year, but if it says similar to today, I doubt Tomtom will be getting any more money from me.
I don't think there is a right answer.

If you were to subscribe today, you'd need to get to 860 and yes, 865 would then be your 1st of four updates.

If you waited till 865 is out, it'll cost you more initially but then 870 will be your 1st update.

You decide..........

that the sort of dilemma then im in..:rolleyes:

Any ideas how much more it would cost if i was to do the 865 update over the current 860? in terms of ?s or % more?

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