Map Subscription expired???

Mar 3, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
So, I fired up my VIA 1605 with MyDrive on my computer, and the home screen shows "Map Subscription expired"!!!!! This 1605 came with a 'Lifetime Updates"!
When I go to the More Information, it says that the Lifetime Maps are available...for as long as the product is supported". Does this mean that my 1605 is now orphaned and not supported!!!!!
The Via 1605 is still one of the best looking resistive screens ever made - but SOME were ALSO only a 2GB device.

If your serial number begins with WM, I would be concerned about future updates. However, odds are slim that yours falls into this category.
On the other hand, if it begins with WN, as did the vast majority sold into this market, you have a 4GB device and are exempt from the "EOL" issues with maps for now.
Well, I sent my S/N in and got this message back from the discussion group:

The device does not show that it was embedded with lifetime maps. If you purchased the device with lifetime maps then please get in touch with our customer service. They might need some additional information before authorizing the activations.
I contacted Customer Support via chat, and after 10 minutes or so, he had me log out and log back in to MyDrive Connect... SUCCESS! I've got my updates going again :)

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