Live Services on TT 7100 Pro Truck

Jan 18, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
Pro 7100 Truck
Hello all. I am having serious problems with my newly acquired TT 7100 Pro Truck.
On the box, in the manual and even on every internet site that I have been to, informs me that the 7100 is Live ready and supports applications such as HD traffic, Weather etc.

On my TT, when I click "Services" then "HD Traffic" I get the message "Cannot connect to LIVE services, please try again later. I have been trying now for over a week and I am getting the same message over and over.

I have been to the Tom Tom site to try and purchase a bundle that includes HD Traffic, Mobile Speed Cameras, Local Search with Google, Live Quick GPS Fix and Weather. When I click on the buy bundle option, I am prompted to "Select my Device"...... It isn't listed!!!:mad:

I have seen on TT business site that to have the LIVE services I require a LIVE subscription to TomTom WEBFLEET and the installation of the LINK 300/310 in the vehicle. Since I am a casual driver and don't work directly for a specific company, this is impossible. Does this mean that I will never have the full capability of the GPS? or is there another solution out there!!
First of all reset the device, press and hold the power on/ off button down until the device restarts with a drum roll, next go to Live Services/ My Services and does it throw an error screen or dispaly some information?
Next Tap Version Information followed by Network, does it list the four entries and show as connected?

Armed with this information give TomTom CS a ring on 0845 161 0009 and ask them why its not working, offer the information that I mentioned above.

One final thought is this your first TomTom of have you owned previous units, if this is an additional device did you use the same e-mail address for the account or a new one? Re-use of existing e-mail addresses isn't recommended as it causes loads of issues, just make something up like "[email protected]" and it will be quite happy to use it - Mike

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