Irksome safety warning every start-up

Dec 2, 2010
I had to reset my 950 as the UK safety cameras weren’t updating, all ok now after slight problem of the display only showing major roads but this has somehow righted itself over the day, now I have the safety warning / agreement to accept upon every start-up.

Can anyone give me a pointer how to get rid ?

Many thanks guys
It could be one of at least two messages I can think of.

If it's the one headed "Drive Safely" which continues with "Drive responsibly and observe safe driving practice..." then that is switched off in Safety Preferences. Make sure "Show Safety Reminders" is not ticked.

If it's the one headed "Legal notice" which continues "It is your responsibility..." then that should only appear after a re-boot, so your system might not be doing a "normal" startup.
If it's the one headed "Drive Safely" which continues with "Drive responsibly and observe safe driving practice..." then that is switched off in Safety Preferences. Make sure "Show Safety Reminders" is not ticked.

Many thanks Andy, you're a gent :D

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