Ipad 3+3G Traffic HD

Nov 24, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Start 25 Ipad 3 app

As a newbie to the TomTom ipad 3 app I have purchased Security Cameras and Traffic HD and everything seems to be working well.
One query I have is that do I need a sim card installed in order to use Traffic HD on my ipad 3 WIFI+3G
Any help would be much appreciated


I'm a little confused. You say 'everything seems to be working well', but unless your iPad has a live data connection, it's not going to be connecting to TomTom's server to get traffic. A few minutes after losing a WiFi connection, only the roadworks area will be shown on the device, not traffic. It requires a real time connection -- traffic condition data is too dynamic to depend upon for more than a few minutes at a time.
I'm a little confused. You say 'everything seems to be working well', but unless your iPad has a live data connection, it's not going to be connecting to TomTom's server to get traffic. A few minutes after losing a WiFi connection, only the roadworks area will be shown on the device, not traffic. It requires a real time connection -- traffic condition data is too dynamic to depend upon for more than a few minutes at a time.
Hi Canderson
Sorry about the confusion. What I was trying to say is that if I move out of a wifi area do i need a sim card in order to have hd traffic updated.


Absolutely. You need some sort of connection at all times since traffic is updated every couple of minutes based upon actual conditions, and routing and ETA may change while you're driving based upon those conditions. So is it your plan to use your iPad with the TomTom app rather than your Start 25 so that you will have the added benefit of the Live traffic data?
Yes I would prefer to use my ipad with the TomTom app so that as you say I will have the benefit of the Live traffic data.
Thanks for your help



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