Custom icon appears red on iPad (TT v1.10)

May 5, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
iPad 1 + TT V1.10
I have installed custom poi files on my Ipad 1, however the icons appear as brick red squares.

I have installed the .ov2 and .bmp files in the same folder on my iPad and they have exactly the same name.
To get the .bmp file I used a native 57x57 pixel file (attached) and resized it. I tried both 16x16 and 32x32 pixels, but both yielded the red squares.

Can anyone help to solve this problem?


  • camper57x57.bmp
    9.6 KB · Views: 403
  • camper32x32.bmp
    4 KB · Views: 389
I just tried 24x24, but it does not solve the problem.
Could there be something wrong with the file format?
Well, I'll ask the obvious .....

You ARE naming the .bmp file EXACTLY the same as the .ov2 file (except for extension) aren't you?
Have you other custom ov2 files on the iPad? And do they have the same .bmp extension (that works)??
No, I have no other custom .ov2 files.
Note that the icons appear at the right place, so the .ov2 file seems to be correct.
Yes, I did. The names are:
cp europe.ov2
cp europe.bmp
Since I have made this mistake myself, I'll suggest that you triple check that none of your "o" letters is not a numeral "0", and that all other letters are really what they are supposed to be.

At least you do not have any "l" letters or "1" numbers in your names. I have lost track of the number of times I have transposed those and then failed to spot the error when I checked the names.

You may want to also check that your bmp file is saved with 8-bits per color. I think that most software will do that automatically, but it's always possible that the software you used may do something different.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
I feel stupid now.

I checked the names again and dicovered a difference:
cp europa.ov2
cp europe.bmp
After correction I tried a 24x24 and 32x32 file and they both work.
Thanks for your advice to check names!

There is a small issue left, which is that my B&W picture is dispayed as green on a yellow background. I used Pixillion Image Converter for the file conversion, which does not offer the possibility to specify the file format except BMP. What conversion program do you suggest?

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