I'm returning my 5100

Jun 7, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
GO 5100
I've currently got three TTs including an XNV (which currently shows 'server error' even though Ive just subscribed to Traffic) and I thought it was about time I got on to the lifetime maps n traffic bandwagon.
Is it me not finding it in the menu or has the Traffic been massively truncated? I supposed that I don't have to have a reasonably-coloured screen but the latest one seems rather drab but worst still, the figures are smaller, screen info is sparser and a small on-screen button needs to be prodded to call up the menu. Even the sound seems scratchy compared with my older models.
Basically it feels like a cheaper pared-down model and Ive got a horrible dumbing-down feeling about half n quarter miles being indicated. Disappointed
I have just bought the 6100 as an upgrade to my 920T and must admit apart from the lifetime map, camera and traffic update it is no where near as good as the 920, I think the menu on it compared to the 920 is very minimal, don't even know how to set the clock as it says it automatically does it and also it has no Bluetooth either, I am disappointed, unless there is a way to get into the 6100 in more depth, does anyone out there have any clues as to the full potential of the 6100?......Many thanks in anticipation for any response received.

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